„Ha Ha, your this group of old fogies, think that can kill me really? Really was too laughable.”
Jiang Chen laughed, carries Tiansheng Sword to rush ahead the past directly once more, he discovered that after three emperor masters displayed the King's Weapon strength was increased, the pressure that oneself feel was bigger, the before speed of Dragon Transformation Art revolution was two times, the speed that Dragon Mark formed also once more speeds up, according to developed like this, soon, can promote Battle Spirit Realm Middle Stage directly.
Did not pay attention to three emperor masters et al. the shock, Jiang Chen Tiansheng Sword has cut.
Three emperor masters clearly know that the opposite party is with the aid of own overpressure oneself, but is unable to back down at this moment, does not have the slight means that can only resist furiously, but clenching jaws that Shangguan Sheng et al. hated, but they support nine star Killing Formation, the opportunity of continually getting rid of does not have, only if Jiang Chen kills in front of them, can shift the energies of all people using the strategy to them on instantaneously, resists Jiang Chen, if they choose to get rid now, will only disperse nine star Killing Formation energies, the effect does not have good that three emperor master get rid.
The gold fights the spear to carry on the most aggressive collision with Tiansheng Sword once more, Jiang Chen is shaken to fly again, but the next quarter, Jiang Chen same overran like the lunatic, lets clenching jaws that the human hates, this situation is most depressed and aggrieved, you are obviously more formidable than the opposite party, you every time can early become the injury to the opposite party obviously, but the opposite party cannot kill, moreover fiercely competes and successfully competes, really held the egg.
„Three emperor masters, now what to do?”
The part of great bear cannot bear ask.
„Without the means that I do not believe unable to kill this boy, everybody adds the strength again, I have King's Weapon in the hand, but actually must have a look at him to have many blood to flow.”
Three emperor master wicked saying, by the present situation, he besides shake with Jiang Chen hardly, as if could not find other means that the present aspect was very obvious, Jiang Chen clarified must quenching itself with the aid of nine star Killing Formation pressures, stimulated own potential, thus has been promoted.
But regarding three emperor masters them, is unable to back down, has to help Jiang Chen, because they except for continue to fight with Jiang Chen, simply does not have the second choice, if they withdrew nine star Killing Formation now, in the Jiang Chen method, nobody can resist, when the time comes several hundred people must become by the lamb of Jiang Chen slaughtering, even if there is King's Weapon three emperor masters, cannot resist.
Therefore, they do not have choose, can only continue to fight, they only hope is Jiang Chen cannot withstand the continual heavy losses to pour under King's Weapon finally, although does not know such probability in a big way, but they have no alternative.
In fact, the fight is conducted now, all masters including three emperor masters, at heart is some regrets, if makes them know Jiang Chen already the terror to this degree of words, even if recognizing humiliation, must tell Emperor Wu the news, making Emperor Wu get rid to cope, in that case, will not reduce to this region.
Jiang Chen is haughty, in the mouth laughs wildly the sound to be unceasing, he knows that three emperor masters et al. are very aggrieved, but was a pity that late, today the opposite party has been doomed to help itself, after promote Battle Spirit Realm Middle Stage, at present these people, must play completely.
One that the distant place, the profound honorable person and Guo Shan look, this tactical situation somewhat was really strange, from the beginning is three emperor masters laughs to live unceasingly, three emperor masters et al. obviously is also in the winning side now, but has actually been seriously battered Jiang Chen to laugh wildly unceasingly, three emperor masters et al. the complexion is instead ugly.
„This what's the matter?”
The profound honorable person was directly ignorant, he is away from is too far, has not seen the change of Jiang Chen.
„This is the Jiang Chen method, I early had said that he has certainly his intention, look, the Saint Martial King Dynasty person complexion started changes.”
On the Guo Shan face reappeared happy expression, he knows that Jiang Chen never fought the weaponry that has not grasped, even if were copes with huge Saint Martial King Dynasty to be also same.