How and why does Antony’s attitude toward Brutus change from the beginning of the act to the end?
Antony first believes that Brutus was a "brutish beast" and was ungrateful towards Caesar for all his love to him. However, by the end of the play, Antony comes to realize that Brutus was the only honourable man amongst the conspirators for Brutus did what he did out of love for the Roman people, unlike all the others, who killed out of envy for Caesar's great rise to power. He understands that it is not because Brutus did not love his friend Caesar, but that he "loved Rome more" and that he weighted his duty to the common people over his own feelings of loyalty and love to his best friend. He also begins to respect Brutus when he sees the loyal conduct of Lucilius, pretending to be Brutus in order to protect Brutus.