Beyondzero to provide essential knowledge and understanding health and safety for employees working in any sector of business. Good health and safety standards rely on employers and employees working together to reduce risks and prevent accidents and ill health arising from work activities.
my actions while performing daily activities adheres to safe work practices and standards.
- Cleaning my desk regularly and no object is stored under the table. Working properly, physical characteristics.
- Ensure that multi-plug extension leads have circuit breakers or install mor sockets.
- Ensure my switch off and unplug all electrical equipment not in use. and know the location of fire extinguishers and how they function.
- Clean up any spillages as soon as they occur.
- Ensure all dangling other cables are housed in cable prtectors.
- Never stand on desks or chairs.
- Walk around corners slowly and be ware of any loose carpets, lino or tiles.
- Ensure all filing cabinets are secured to each other, the wall of both.
- Avoid injuring fingers, by closing all filing cabinet drawers with the handle,
- Avoid top loading. balance all file loads evenly through cabinet drawers.
- Avoid the risk of injury when reaching into a desk drawer, keep sharp items such as knives, scissors and drawing pins in a separate container.
- Remove dangling jewellery, scarves and ties when workin garound machinery, also ensure long hair is tied back.