Results (
Indonesian) 1:
Developments in geospatial science and technology: Theintegration of geographic information systems (GIS), remotesensing (RS) and global positioning systems (GPS)18 offersconsiderable opportunity for site-specific agriculture and thederivation of data related to the agriculture products, on thefarm and through the subsequent handling operations. Puttogether, these technologies enable data to be remotely collectedon individual animals, plants, and blocks on a farm, which canbe processed, transmitted and presented as visual spatialinformation on the bio-physical properties of the block, yieldand selected product attributes. With respect to traceability, avital feature of these technologies is the possibility to map thegeospatial variability of selected attributes such as yield,product quality, animal movement, and disease epidemiology.Software technology for traceability system integration: Aneffective traceability chain is an integrated system made ofdistinct components involving data collection using standardsmeasurement procedures, the analysis, storage and transmissionof the recorded information, and full backward and forwardcontrol system that permits the tracking of the product history.Such an integration of technologies relies on the applicationof appropriate information and computer system, and whichlinks the traceability chain to a central database at the company,national or international level. Many researchers andcommercial companies have reported the development andavailability of full traceability systems that have been adoptedin industry. Calder and Marr7 described a trial traceabilityinitiative based on electronic identification (EID), whichenabled full traceability of farm animals. Harvey19 recentlyreported an electronic data identification tag (EDIT) thatincludes a transponder as part of a typical ear tag, and ahandheld, battery-powered electronic reader or terminal, whichprovides farmers with a fully integrated traceable livestockmanagement tool. The electronic ear tag has the capacity torecord all the details of an animal’s life from its genetic andbirth details, to treatment and productions. Many countries suchas Canada and New Zealand have implemented national cattleidentification programmes using various technologies that arebased on the above principles. Examples of commerciallyavailable traceability software programmes† that have beenreported include QualTrace, EQM (Enterprise QualityManagement),20 and Food Trak21.
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