Are people who stay in the same community happier than those who move from one place to another? I am pretty sure that if we move from one place to another will be much more exciting and we will obtain the experiences more than people who live in the same place because when we are in different places we can see many different culture many different people which will make your eye opening wider.
I used to be in other countries as well. It is Turkey, even it is not so long but it makes my sight wider by seeing people, meeting people, and talking to many different people to share an experience of my own country about the culture, environment or whatever like when I was having a dinner in Turkey the people there will start to eat soup first than after they eat food but in my own country we eat soup together with meal or some people don’t care about eating which one first.
Another interesting culture that I encountered is the men there walking together arm in arm if that situation happened in Thailand than people will generalize them as gay but in Turkey it is an acting to show correlation between close friend
So living in another place will make you see different cultures, people, environment which will make your eyes foresight and you will discover a adventures everyday these all experiences will make you receive the happiness in extensive way