Dear P’Fon,
As discussed with P’Mint we cannot take any transaction out from manual invoice regarding two concerns;
1. It’s about legal issue since this manual invoice template is signed off by legal team
2. The process of generating an invoice is to extract all transactions from SCOL where the customer is able to download. So if we take some transaction out, it won’t be the same as the report showing on SCOL
However, in the fraud investigation process, the customer should be engaged to pay as per amount due showing on the invoice while the disputed fraud transaction will be investigated by fraud focal point (Khun Pim, Anuntiya).
Dear Khun Pim,
Please find the attached JPEG files for your further action on fraud investigation kha. This case is disputed by Ritta (Siras 14398). Could you please help in raising an issue and talk with retailer according your standard process. FYI, the disputed fraud transaction is highlighted in yellow (please see the PDF file)
Your feedback sending after the investigation will be much appreciated. Thank you.