Good Morning, my dear Duangjai!
It was good to talk to you again by phone. I really like to listen to your voice, and I like to hear you laughing! It sounds that we always have a happy feeling when we talk to each other.
And I also like your letters very much. You use the words very carefully and I like to read what you write to me. And so I want to say that I look for the same things as you. I also want a true and sincere partner. And I also want to find true love! And yes, I also will try my best to help us to come together.
Duangjai, are you sure that you are looking for a man to marry? Are you looking for a husband to grow old with together? Becasue that is what I am looking for: I don't want to live alone - I need somebody to live in love with together. And to stay with together forever! Do you agree that TOGETHERNESS means HAPPYNESS??? Walking hand in hand, making a home together, never feeling alone, ...
May I ask some questions today?
Are you from Bangkok or were you born in another province of Thailand?
Did you live alone your whole life? You never lived together with a man?
What is your birthday?
As I told you by phone, tomorrow I will have a very long day at school :-( But I hope that I will find a break to read a letter from you - maybe with a new selfie (photo) ??? And I definitely will write my good night mail when I am back from school.
So I hope that we will have "normal" working days - no big stress! And please, my dear, take good care always, I will do, too!
Have a great day! Fondly, Hajo