Results (
Thai) 1:
The main sources of energy used in hotels are electricity(for air conditioning, lighting, appliances, waterheating and water pumping), LPG (for cooking), dieseloil (for diesel generator), and coal (for heating and asboiler fuel). Electricity dominates the total hotel energyconsumption, while fuel (gasoline) for transport is verysmall as compared to others and could be neglected.Fig. 2 shows the breakdown of energy use in Vietnamesehotels. The energy use patterns of 2- and 3-starhotels, where electricity is used for around 90% ofenergy consuming activities, are nearly the same, whileLPG is the main fuel for cooking in 4-star hotels andresorts. Generally, the 4-star hotels and resort consumemuch fuel (fuel oil, diesel and LPG for boiler, dieselgenerator and cooking, respectively); some charcoal isalso used for outdoor parties in resorts. Some 3-star
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