Significant groundwater level drawdown caused by groundwater abstraction has been reported to occur in Bandung Basin. One potential method to recover the groundwater condition by artificial recharge, considering high quantity of rainfall in this area. Beside landsubsidence, groundwater level drawdown had caused a lot of deep well was became dry. Survey non productive well (dry well) has been conducted and has found arround 80 wells, most of in industrial areas of Bandung Basin such as Rancaekek, Dayeuhkolot and Cimahi. After survey, we identificated and selected some dry wells to used as recharge wells, they are in PT. Sunson of Rancaekek area and PT. Mulia Lestari of Cimahi area. Start redevelop dry wells are; first recharge test in two methods, contant head and falling head, and had result capacity of recharge are 2-3 L/s. Second, study of potential and quality water source form rain through widely roof industrial building, then design, built and until monitore prototype of recharge wells. Hope, this study be a guide to water resources conservation and technical policy water resources (groundwater) in Bandung Basin and also for same tipical areas.