How did he die ? he asked mrs nikleby
The doctors don’t really know what the problem was. We think that perhaps he died of a broken neck, but a broken heart? Never. A man can’t pay his debts and so he dies of a broken heart Ha laughed Ralph nickleby coldly.
‘some people have no heart to break, said Nicholas to himself quietly.
‘how old is this boy ? asked Ralph , looking angrily at Nicholas.
‘nearly nineteen, replied mrs nickleby.
‘And how will you pay for food now. Boy? Ralph asked Nicholas.
‘I shall not cost you or my mother anything at all, replied Nicholas.
For a while Nicholas and his uncle looked at each other without speaking. The older man saw in front of him a young man who was kind and honest, and from that moment he hated him.
Then Ralph talked with mrs nickleby about finding work for poor but beautiful kate. Turning back to Nicholas,he showed him an advertisement in the newpaper that he had with him.
Yorkshire was far away ,in the north-east of England . but Nicholas was excited.
‘perhaps our luck is changing he thought.