Article 12.1: Definitions
For the purposes of this Chapter:
business person means:
(a) a natural person who has the nationality of a Party according to Annex 1-A (Party-Specific Definitions); or
(b) a permanent resident of a Party that, prior to the date of entry into force of this Agreement, has made a notification consistent with Article XXVIII(k)(ii)(2) of GATS that that Party accords substantially the same treatment to its permanent residents as it does to its nationals1,
who is engaged in trade in goods, the supply of services or the conduct of investment activities;
immigration formality means a visa, permit, pass or other document or electronic authority granting temporary entry;
immigration measure means any measure affecting the entry and stay of foreign nationals; and
temporary entry means entry into the territory of a Party by a business person of another Party who does not intend to establish