Rice and Howell (2006) reported that a person who had higher trait anger was likely to express anger more outwardly and that anger – control might be more effective than anger – out in reducing anger in students. There are three ways of anger expression : anger-in , anger – out , and anger-control. Anger-in means suppression or inhibition of angry feelings , and anger –out means expression of anger toward others or objects. Anger-control is the attempts to modify and control experienced angry feelings. Previous studies have shown inconsistent result on gender and ethnic differences in anger and anger expression. Reyes et al. (2003) found an absence of significant gender differences in anger and anger expression among adolescents in the USE also found an absence of significant gender differences in any anger variables among adolescents. However , in another study among Russian adolescents, significant gender differences were found for state anger , anger-in , and anger –control. Jones and Peacock also stated that anger in American adolescents was significantly different according to gender ,race , and school grade. Many studies have revealed cultural variation in emotional phenomena and suggested that Asians are less expressive than are European Americans. Reyes et al.(2003) also indicated that there were ethnic differences for trait –anger and outward expression of anger . However , other studies reported more cultural similarities than differences in emotional expression.