„Two Yang Yao, Battle Spirit Realm Late Stage sheep monster.”
Big Yellow Dog turned turned the white of the eyes, has to acknowledge that Divine Continent is really not Eastern Continent can compare, comes out casually two Monster Beast is Battle Spirit Realm Late Stage, such exists to put Eastern Continent, can call the king.
„Brother, this boy Yang spirit is very exuberant, if I have eaten him, can definitely obtain the huge advantage.”
And a goat licked has licked lips to spread open, gaze was staring at Jiang Chen.
„Hey, this dog is also pretty good.”
Another goat hey is smiling to Big Yellow Dog.
„Your these two lambs, I have not been angry while the dog master, immediately kneels to kowtow, if the dog master is happy, can forgive your life.”
Big Yellow Dog arrogant saying.
hear [words/that], two goat big monsters has a good laugh directly, they to be self-confident to their cultivation, collaborates, under Battle King was very difficult to find the match.
Big Yellow Dog cold snort, the potential flushed from its within the body all at once suddenly, just likes the tide same turns toward two goat big monsters to throw to press to go.
Feels this intrepid imposing manner, two goat complexions change instantaneously, simultaneously calls out in alarm one: „Beastly King!”
Two goat big monster instantaneous streaming with sweat, saw probably the mouse of cat is the same, immediately where dares to have the least bit to neglect, puff passed one to kneel on the ground.
„Beastly King forgives, small perforation does not recognize a superior.”
Two goat big monsters kowtow again and again, wish one could to fling several ear and area around it to oneself, oneself should have the multi- fools unluckily comes out to seek for Beastly King, but where they want to obtain, runs casually a dog, unexpectedly is Beastly King, this luck also was too rather bad.
„I asked you, here was away from Divine Continent , was far.”
Jiang Chen opens the mouth to ask.
Two goat big monsters look hastily to Jiang Chen, although this youth is not Battle King cultivation is, but his side actually with true Beastly King, naturally does not dare to have the half minute to neglect, Jiang Chen asked that their words instead let them are very happy, good that so long as they replied, being obedient of performance, perhaps also had the opportunity of life, otherwise, has offended the Beastly King dignity, where will have the life.
„Mr. Qi Bing, here is the Divine Continent boundary region, you must go to the Divine Continent words, only requires 2-3 days of then, but there is a Sir Beastly King in the words, room transfers, that was quicker.”
And a goat big monster opens the mouth to say.
Jiang Chen nodded, similar that this and estimate.
„You from breaking an arm, get the hell out.”
Jiang Chen waved saying that kills two goats, he does not have what interest.
Two goat big monsters simultaneously call out in alarm one, their gaze actually looked to Big Yellow Dog, clearly, they were afraid Beastly King boundary Big Yellow Dog, but did not dread this human youth.
„What looks at to look that wants this king to gnaw off your heads?”
The Big Yellow Dog big eye stares.
Two goat big monsters are in reverential awe immediately, hastily from breaking an arm, departed dingily, these two fellows could be said as bad luck, came out to throw the game, has not obtained one not to say the wool, but also lost an arm, what good point has saved the life.
„In this mountain range casual can come out two Battle Spirit Realm big monsters, can perhaps have any good day earth deities essence, we walk, if can obtain some advantage, that was better.”
Jiang Chen said that a person of dog continues.
After Jiang Chen and Big Yellow Dog leave, that two goat big monsters appeared in same place, bent the waist to pick from the ground own arm.
„Brother, today lost is really big, we annoyed Beastly King unexpectedly.”
That goat said.
„Snort! This enmity must report, we asked Sir Niu to help, to kill this person of dog, if can shout to clear the way the blood of that dog, can perhaps make up for us to break the loss of arm.”
That goat said.
Jiang Chen and Big Yellow Dog walked for one hour, has discovered some day of earth deities essences actually, but for serveral days the earth deities essence was not any specially rare existence, could not enter the Jiang Chen discernment.