After the dam foundation of the saddle dam is excavated, part of the foundation is placed on bedrock, and the other part is place on the overburden. The bedrock is weakly-moderately weather, relatively hard, in a blocky state, with good integrity and high integral strength, which can meet the design requirements. The overburden foundation is excavated; it is to take corresponding engineering measures according to the actual engineering and geologic properties, which can meet the design requirements. It is to take measures against uneven settlement at the junctions of soft foundation and rock foundation. The landform of both banks along the dam axis of saddle dam is generally good and both banks are overburden landform, which relatively small state. The left dam abutment is slightly dense-moderately dense, and the slope is in a naturally stable state. The right dam abutment is also overburden landform, the type of which is block detritus clay, part of the structures is slightly dense-moderately dense and the slope is in a naturally stable state.