When Charles Bingley, a rich single man, moves to the Netherfield esta translation - When Charles Bingley, a rich single man, moves to the Netherfield esta Indonesian how to say

When Charles Bingley, a rich single

When Charles Bingley, a rich single man, moves to the Netherfield estate, the neighborhood residents are thrilled, especially Mrs. Bennet, who hopes to marry one of her five daughters to him. When the Bennet daughters meet him at a local ball, they are impressed by his outgoing personality and friendly disposition. They are less impressed, however, by Bingley's friend Fitzwilliam Darcy, a landowning aristocrat who is too proud to speak to any of the locals and whom Elizabeth Bennet overhears refusing to dance with her.

Bingley and the oldest Bennet daughter, Jane, soon form an attachment. Any serious relationship between the two, however, is opposed by Bingley's sisters (who do not approve of Jane as a wife for Bingley because of her mother's lower status) and by Darcy (who believes that Jane is indifferent to Bingley). Meanwhile, Darcy finds himself attracted to Elizabeth despite his objections to her family. He is drawn to her spirited wit and expressive eyes, and Caroline Bingley's jealous criticisms of Elizabeth can do nothing to lessen Darcy's admiration.

As Darcy grows more interested in Elizabeth, Elizabeth continues to despise him and is instead attracted to George Wickham, a handsome and personable militia officer. Wickham tells Elizabeth that his father worked for Darcy's father and that he and Darcy grew up together. Stating that he was favored by Darcy's father, Wickham claims that Darcy disobeyed his father's bequest of a clergyman's revenue to Wickham out of selfish resentment. Wickham's tale makes Darcy appear not only proud but cruel, and Elizabeth accepts Wickham's account without question, disliking Darcy even more because of it.

In the midst of Jane and Elizabeth's developing relationships, the Bennet family is visited by Mr. Bennet's cousin, William Collins, a clergyman who will inherit Mr. Bennet's estate when he dies because of a legal stricture known as an entail. Full of apologies for the entail and praises for his patroness, Lady Catherine De Bourgh, Mr. Collins informs the Mrs. Bennet that Lady Catherine has instructed him to marry and that he plans to choose a wife from the Bennet daughters. He settles on Elizabeth, but is stunned and offended when she refuses him. He quickly turns his attention to Elizabeth's friend, Charlotte Lucas, who wants to marry for security rather than love, and the two are soon engaged and married.

At the same time, Jane is dismayed to find out that Bingley and the entire Netherfield party have unexpectedly left for London. Caroline Bingley writes to Jane that they do not intend to return, and she predicts a match between Bingley and Darcy's sister, Georgiana, who is also in London. Although Jane quietly resigns herself to a life without Bingley, Elizabeth is angry for her sister and suspects that Bingley's sisters and Darcy are trying to keep him from Jane.

Elizabeth visits Charlotte at her new home in Hunsford, Kent, and meets Mr. Collins' patroness and Darcy's aunt, Lady Catherine De Bourgh, an overbearing woman who thrives on meddling in other people's lives. Soon after Elizabeth's arrival in Kent, Darcy visits his aunt with his cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam. Darcy puzzles Elizabeth with his behavior; he seems to seek out her company, but he never says much. One day, he surprises Elizabeth by proposing to her. Still repelled by his pride and believing Darcy is responsible for Bingley's separation from Jane and for Wickham's misfortune, Elizabeth refuses him. The next day, Darcy gives her a letter explaining his role in influencing Bingley away from Jane and details the facts of Wickham's situation. A careful examination of the facts reveals that Darcy, while proud, is innocent of wrongdoing, leaving Elizabeth mortified at her discovery of how her own pride prejudiced her against Darcy.

After returning home for a month, Elizabeth goes on a trip with her aunt and uncle Gardiner to Derbyshire county, where they visit Darcy's estate of Pemberley. There they meet Darcy unexpectedly and are all surprised at how graciously he treats them. He calls on Elizabeth at her inn, introduces her to his sister, and invites her to Pemberley for dinner. Darcy is still in love with Elizabeth, and Elizabeth begins to have similar feelings for him.

In the midst of this promising situation, Elizabeth receives two letters from Jane telling her that Lydia has eloped with Wickham, causing Elizabeth and the Gardiners to leave for home immediately. Elizabeth fears that Lydia and the Bennet family are permanently disgraced and that her newly-discovered love for Darcy is hopeless. When Lydia is found, however, she and Wickham marry. After the wedding, Elizabeth discovers that Darcy was instrumental in orchestrating the marriage, thereby saving the reputation and marriageability of the other Bennet daughters.

Bingley returns to Netherfield and soon asks Jane to marry him. Jane, of course, accepts, and Mrs. Bennet's exultation is only lessened by her irritation at Darcy's occasional presence. Meanwhile, Elizabeth's happiness for her sister is interrupted by a visit from Lady Catherine De Bourgh, who has heard a rumor that Darcy and Elizabeth are engaged, which they are not. She lectures Elizabeth on the imprudence of such a match, and then demands that Elizabeth promise not to accept any proposal from Darcy. Elizabeth refuses, causing Lady Catherine to tell Darcy about Elizabeth's impertinence and to scold him about the folly of an engagement between them. Lady Catherine's description of Elizabeth's response to her demands gives Darcy hope that Elizabeth has had a change of heart. He proposes again and Elizabeth happily accepts.
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Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]
When Charles Bingley, a rich single man, moves to the Netherfield estate, the neighborhood residents are thrilled, especially Mrs. Bennet, who hopes to marry one of her five daughters to him. When the Bennet daughters meet him at a local ball, they are impressed by his outgoing personality and friendly disposition. They are less impressed, however, by Bingley's friend Fitzwilliam Darcy, a landowning aristocrat who is too proud to speak to any of the locals and whom Elizabeth Bennet overhears refusing to dance with her.

Bingley and the oldest Bennet daughter, Jane, soon form an attachment. Any serious relationship between the two, however, is opposed by Bingley's sisters (who do not approve of Jane as a wife for Bingley because of her mother's lower status) and by Darcy (who believes that Jane is indifferent to Bingley). Meanwhile, Darcy finds himself attracted to Elizabeth despite his objections to her family. He is drawn to her spirited wit and expressive eyes, and Caroline Bingley's jealous criticisms of Elizabeth can do nothing to lessen Darcy's admiration.

As Darcy grows more interested in Elizabeth, Elizabeth continues to despise him and is instead attracted to George Wickham, a handsome and personable militia officer. Wickham tells Elizabeth that his father worked for Darcy's father and that he and Darcy grew up together. Stating that he was favored by Darcy's father, Wickham claims that Darcy disobeyed his father's bequest of a clergyman's revenue to Wickham out of selfish resentment. Wickham's tale makes Darcy appear not only proud but cruel, and Elizabeth accepts Wickham's account without question, disliking Darcy even more because of it.

In the midst of Jane and Elizabeth's developing relationships, the Bennet family is visited by Mr. Bennet's cousin, William Collins, a clergyman who will inherit Mr. Bennet's estate when he dies because of a legal stricture known as an entail. Full of apologies for the entail and praises for his patroness, Lady Catherine De Bourgh, Mr. Collins informs the Mrs. Bennet that Lady Catherine has instructed him to marry and that he plans to choose a wife from the Bennet daughters. He settles on Elizabeth, but is stunned and offended when she refuses him. He quickly turns his attention to Elizabeth's friend, Charlotte Lucas, who wants to marry for security rather than love, and the two are soon engaged and married.

At the same time, Jane is dismayed to find out that Bingley and the entire Netherfield party have unexpectedly left for London. Caroline Bingley writes to Jane that they do not intend to return, and she predicts a match between Bingley and Darcy's sister, Georgiana, who is also in London. Although Jane quietly resigns herself to a life without Bingley, Elizabeth is angry for her sister and suspects that Bingley's sisters and Darcy are trying to keep him from Jane.

Elizabeth visits Charlotte at her new home in Hunsford, Kent, and meets Mr. Collins' patroness and Darcy's aunt, Lady Catherine De Bourgh, an overbearing woman who thrives on meddling in other people's lives. Soon after Elizabeth's arrival in Kent, Darcy visits his aunt with his cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam. Darcy puzzles Elizabeth with his behavior; he seems to seek out her company, but he never says much. One day, he surprises Elizabeth by proposing to her. Still repelled by his pride and believing Darcy is responsible for Bingley's separation from Jane and for Wickham's misfortune, Elizabeth refuses him. The next day, Darcy gives her a letter explaining his role in influencing Bingley away from Jane and details the facts of Wickham's situation. A careful examination of the facts reveals that Darcy, while proud, is innocent of wrongdoing, leaving Elizabeth mortified at her discovery of how her own pride prejudiced her against Darcy.

After returning home for a month, Elizabeth goes on a trip with her aunt and uncle Gardiner to Derbyshire county, where they visit Darcy's estate of Pemberley. There they meet Darcy unexpectedly and are all surprised at how graciously he treats them. He calls on Elizabeth at her inn, introduces her to his sister, and invites her to Pemberley for dinner. Darcy is still in love with Elizabeth, and Elizabeth begins to have similar feelings for him.

In the midst of this promising situation, Elizabeth receives two letters from Jane telling her that Lydia has eloped with Wickham, causing Elizabeth and the Gardiners to leave for home immediately. Elizabeth fears that Lydia and the Bennet family are permanently disgraced and that her newly-discovered love for Darcy is hopeless. When Lydia is found, however, she and Wickham marry. After the wedding, Elizabeth discovers that Darcy was instrumental in orchestrating the marriage, thereby saving the reputation and marriageability of the other Bennet daughters.

Bingley returns to Netherfield and soon asks Jane to marry him. Jane, of course, accepts, and Mrs. Bennet's exultation is only lessened by her irritation at Darcy's occasional presence. Meanwhile, Elizabeth's happiness for her sister is interrupted by a visit from Lady Catherine De Bourgh, who has heard a rumor that Darcy and Elizabeth are engaged, which they are not. She lectures Elizabeth on the imprudence of such a match, and then demands that Elizabeth promise not to accept any proposal from Darcy. Elizabeth refuses, causing Lady Catherine to tell Darcy about Elizabeth's impertinence and to scold him about the folly of an engagement between them. Lady Catherine's description of Elizabeth's response to her demands gives Darcy hope that Elizabeth has had a change of heart. He proposes again and Elizabeth happily accepts.
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Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]
Ketika Charles Bingley, satu orang kaya, pindah ke real Netherfield, warga lingkungan sangat gembira, terutama Mrs Bennet, yang berharap untuk menikah salah satu dari lima putrinya kepadanya. Ketika putri Bennet menemuinya di bola lokal, mereka terkesan dengan kepribadian keluar dan disposisi ramah. Mereka kurang terkesan, namun, dengan teman Bingley Fitzwilliam Darcy, seorang bangsawan pemilik tanah yang terlalu bangga untuk berbicara dengan salah satu penduduk setempat dan siapa Elizabeth Bennet sengaja mendengar menolak untuk menari bersamanya. Bingley dan Bennet putri tertua, Jane, segera membentuk lampiran. Setiap hubungan yang serius antara keduanya, namun ditentang oleh saudara Bingley (yang tidak menyetujui Jane sebagai seorang istri untuk Bingley karena status ibunya yang lebih rendah) dan oleh Darcy (yang percaya bahwa Jane adalah acuh tak acuh terhadap Bingley). Sementara itu, Darcy menemukan dirinya tertarik kepada Elizabeth meskipun keberatan kepada keluarganya. Ia ditarik ke kecerdasan bersemangat dan mata ekspresif, dan kritik cemburu Caroline Bingley tentang Elizabeth dapat melakukan apa-apa untuk mengurangi kekaguman Darcy. Sebagai Darcy tumbuh lebih tertarik pada Elizabeth, Elizabeth terus membencinya dan bukan tertarik pada George Wickham, tampan dan Petugas milisi kepribadian. Wickham mengatakan Elizabeth bahwa ayahnya bekerja untuk ayah Darcy dan bahwa ia dan Darcy tumbuh bersama. Menyatakan bahwa ia disukai oleh ayah Darcy, Wickham mengklaim bahwa Darcy tidak menaati warisan ayahnya pendapatan pendeta untuk Wickham dari kebencian egois. Kisah Wickham membuat Darcy muncul tidak hanya bangga tapi kejam, dan Elizabeth menerima akun Wickham tanpa pertanyaan, tidak menyukai Darcy bahkan lebih karena itu. Di tengah Jane dan Elizabeth hubungan berkembang, keluarga Bennet dikunjungi oleh sepupu Mr Bennet, William Collins , seorang pendeta yang akan mewarisi real Mr. Bennet ketika ia meninggal karena striktur hukum yang dikenal sebagai memerlukan. Penuh permintaan maaf untuk memerlukan dan pujian untuk pelindung nya, Lady Catherine De Bourgh, Mr. Collins menginformasikan Mrs. Bennet bahwa Lady Catherine telah menginstruksikan dia untuk menikah dan bahwa ia berencana untuk memilih seorang istri dari anak perempuan Bennet. Dia menempel di Elizabeth, tapi tertegun dan tersinggung ketika dia menolak dia. Dia cepat berubah perhatiannya ke teman Elizabeth, Charlotte Lucas, yang ingin menikah untuk keamanan daripada cinta, dan keduanya segera terlibat dan menikah. Pada saat yang sama, Jane adalah kecewa untuk mengetahui bahwa Bingley dan seluruh partai Netherfield memiliki tiba-tiba berangkat ke London. Caroline Bingley menulis kepada Jane bahwa mereka tidak berniat untuk kembali, dan dia memprediksi pertandingan antara Bingley dan adik Darcy, Georgiana, yang juga di London. Meskipun Jane diam-diam mengundurkan diri dirinya untuk hidup tanpa Bingley, Elizabeth marah untuk adiknya dan mencurigai bahwa saudara Bingley dan Darcy berusaha untuk menjaga dia dari Jane. Elizabeth mengunjungi Charlotte di rumah barunya di Hunsford, Kent, dan memenuhi Mr Collins ' pelindung dan Darcy bibi, Lady Catherine De Bourgh, seorang wanita sombong yang tumbuh subur pada campur tangan dalam kehidupan orang lain. Segera setelah tiba Elizabeth di Kent, Darcy mengunjungi bibinya dengan sepupunya, Kolonel Fitzwilliam. Darcy puzzle Elizabeth dengan perilakunya; ia tampaknya mencari perusahaannya, tapi dia tidak pernah mengatakan banyak. Suatu hari, ia mengejutkan Elizabeth dengan mengusulkan padanya. Masih ditolak oleh harga dirinya dan percaya Darcy bertanggung jawab untuk pemisahan Bingley dari Jane dan kemalangan Wickham, Elizabeth menolak dia. Keesokan harinya, Darcy memberinya sebuah surat yang menjelaskan perannya dalam mempengaruhi Bingley jauh dari Jane dan rincian fakta-fakta situasi Wickham. Pemeriksaan yang seksama dari fakta-fakta mengungkapkan bahwa Darcy, sementara bangga, tidak bersalah, meninggalkan Elizabeth malu pada penemuannya tentang bagaimana harga dirinya sendiri berprasangka melawan Darcy. Setelah pulang ke rumah selama satu bulan, Elizabeth melanjutkan perjalanan dengan bibi dan paman Gardiner ke Derbyshire county, di mana mereka mengunjungi real Darcy dari Pemberley. Di sana mereka bertemu Darcy tiba-tiba dan semua terkejut melihat betapa anggun ia memperlakukan mereka. Dia menyerukan Elizabeth di penginapan nya, memperkenalkan dia untuk adiknya, dan mengundang dia untuk Pemberley untuk makan malam. Darcy masih cinta dengan Elizabeth, dan Elizabeth mulai memiliki perasaan yang sama untuknya. Di tengah situasi ini menjanjikan, Elizabeth menerima dua surat dari Jane mengatakan bahwa Lydia telah kawin lari dengan Wickham, menyebabkan Elizabeth dan Gardiners meninggalkan rumah segera. Elizabeth kekhawatiran bahwa Lydia dan keluarga Bennet yang dipermalukan secara permanen dan bahwa dia cinta yang baru ditemukan untuk Darcy sia-sia. Ketika Lydia ditemukan, bagaimanapun, ia dan Wickham menikah. Setelah pernikahan, Elizabeth menemukan bahwa Darcy berperan penting dalam merancang pernikahan, sehingga menghemat reputasi dan marriageability dari anak-anak perempuan lainnya Bennet. Bingley kembali ke Netherfield dan segera meminta Jane untuk menikah dengannya. Jane, tentu saja, menerima, dan kegembiraan Mrs. Bennet hanya dikurangi dengan kejengkelannya pada kehadiran sesekali Darcy. Sementara itu, kebahagiaan Elizabeth untuk adiknya terganggu oleh kunjungan dari Lady Catherine De Bourgh, yang telah mendengar desas-desus bahwa Darcy dan Elizabeth terlibat, yang mereka tidak. Dia kuliah Elizabeth pada kelalaian pertandingan tersebut, dan kemudian menuntut bahwa Elizabeth berjanji tidak akan menerima usulan dari Darcy. Elizabeth menolak, menyebabkan Lady Catherine untuk memberitahu Darcy tentang kekurangajaran Elizabeth dan memarahinya tentang kebodohan pertunangan antara mereka. Deskripsi Lady Catherine respon Elizabeth tuntutannya memberikan Darcy berharap bahwa Elizabeth telah memiliki perubahan hati. Dia mengusulkan lagi dan Elizabeth senang hati menerima.

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