Results (
Thai) 1:
หน้าที่ 6 The factors related to transport route selection were classified intoquantitative factors represented by numerical data and qualitative factorsthat reflect decision makers personal opinions. The quantitative factorsare cost, time, and distance, whereas qualitative factors consist of threemajor factors such as transport service, safety, and awareness, which arefurther classified into sub-factors. See .2) Weighing FactorsTo determine the weight of each factor, a survey of 22 transport workersand experts was conducted. Characteristics of respondents based on theirlength of service are shown in the . Factors for international multi-modal transport routes selectionInternational multi-modal transport routes selectionQuantitative factors Qualitative factorsTransportdistanceTransporttimeTransportcostTransportServiceSafety Awarenessreliability flexibilitytransportfrequencyfreightinformationservicetransportsafetyfreightsafetytransportrouteawarenesstransportmodeawarenessAlternative Route1Route2Route3… RouteN The definitions of multi-criteriaCriteria DefinitionTransport distance total distance required for transportationTransport time total time required for transportationTransport cost total cost required for transportationTransportservicereliability on-time delivery of transport modeflexibilityability to react to a change in environment of freighttransportationtransport frequency transport frequency within a certain periodfreight information service providing real-time information in freight transportSafetytransport safety ability to prevent accidents on transport mode and routesfreight safety ability to prevent damage or theft of freightAwarenesstransport route awareness degree to which the transport route is perceivedtransport mode awareness degree to which the transport mode is perceived
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