Orders going out late would threaten both the integrity and the availability of
customer relationships: if customers were angry about this, they would tend to tell their
friends, and much of the Business’s business comes from word-of-mouth. The
likelihood of this, however, is low, as the Business is pretty organized and the
customers are generally reasonable. The website is also clear about establishing
reasonable expectations.
A competitor or former customer slandering The Business could have a very low
impact on the integrity of the Business’s reputation, or a high one, depending on the
distribution of the false information. The likelihood of this, however, is low: the
Business’s competitors are few, and most customers are happy with the Business.
An advertised item becoming no longer available would have a medium impact
on the availability of the Business’s customer relationships and the integrity of its
reputation, as it would appear to be advertising what it could not deliver. However, most
customers understand that this can happen, and the Business never charges a credit
card until after the order is pulled from stock and ready to ship, so the impact is limited.
This has to be rated a medium probability, as well, as it has happened in the past, and
some of the Business’s vendors are not the most reliable vendors in the world about
ship dates.
A phone order being lost and never found, or found too late, could be a big
problem. This is a problem with the integrity of that customer relationship, and the
availability of the information. In many cases, it may also make that particular customer
unavailable, as well, as they take their business elsewhere. This is a medium to high
likelihood: quarter sheets of paper are easy to lose and it has certainly happened