„Brother Chu Feng, you came back, harvests how?” With is World Spiritist Jiang Wushang, was the earliest possible time induces Chu Feng, this moment Jiang Wushang facial features great happiness, hurried to run over.
„Harvest is good, my this time comes back to tell you, all I in this jungle can deal safely, you do not need to be worried about me, when I complete this matter of doing, will come back to look for you, opens here.”
„Brother Wushang, you could rest assured that if in these millennium old cities, has the Emperor rank bloodline, I turn here upside down, I surely will also help you look.” Chu Feng pats the shoulder of Jiang Wushang to say.
„Ha, that may too be really good, brother Chu Feng, I do not know how really should thank you, this obviously is my matter, but actually wants you to rush about for me, but I can only wait here, anything could not do, I” on the Jiang Wushang face was somewhat ashamed.
„Is the brothers, do not speak this words.” Chu Feng has patted his shoulder once again, afterward looked to not far away that fragrance more and more thick beautiful esophagus: „Cannot think of your this solemn small prince, but also has such craftsmanship.”
„Hey, I alone exited before frequently informed and experienced, does not like eating the dry rations, likes eating chummy Thing, therefore, has exercised cook, waits for you to taste, your Brother Wushang cook, perhaps is inferior to Sister Su Rou to be so perfect, but is not weak.” Jiang Wushang said with a smile difficultly.
„Ha, that just, I add a dish to you, roasted this.” Chu Feng has given Jiang Wushang ominous beast in hand.
„Oh, this ominous beast is rare, although steel Armour of epidermis is firm, but regulations interior meat beautiful is fragrant, it seems like brother Chu Feng, is person of the frequently hunting.” Jiang Wushang recognizes, this ominous beast is the rare delicacy.
„Hey, eats, does is not good.” Chu Feng laughs, then walks toward the palace.
Su Rou and Su Mei live in the same room, Su Mei also in the deep sleep, the delightful person, rests extremely beautifully, Chu Feng is not cruel enough to awaken by noise this Little Mei person.
But Su Rou regained consciousness, is combing the hair and wash the face, this moment long hair, wet scatters above the fragrant shoulder, drops the drop clear water drop, smuggles sending fragrance that Su Rou is in sole possession, following sending the silk falls, falls to that snow white such as the flesh of jade on, enticement.
Chu Feng approaches from behind carefully, took over Su Rou that slender and delicate slender waist, this beautiful woman tight hugging in bosom.
„, The dot sound, Little Mei has not awaked.” Su Rou said in a low voice, but during speeches, has turned around slightly, gentle will have buried in the bosom of Chu Feng, closely grasped own man.
At this moment, Chu Feng not only can feel that the small face of Su Rou rubs in own bosom, can feel, but two groups of Fengrun the soft object, the tight post in the chest, this makes him unendurable, immediately ** commits suicide by fire, below little brother, is the twinkling stands upright.
If not for considers to say Su Mei also in deep sleep, and immediately must serve a meal, in the time without enough time, Chu Feng wants the beautiful woman in bosom to push to the ground radically really immediately, enjoys the beautiful taste of this peerless outstanding person.
Resembling was feels the Chu Feng following change, Su Rou had feared that the Chu Feng fire of desire was hard to take, was hurries to withdraw from the bosom of Chu Feng, charming saying with a smile: „What kind, harvests how?”
„Compared with good of expectation, in five day I should be able to break this, but I leave after today, must be able to come back after 5 th.” Chu Feng said with a smile.
„Although you go all out for the brothers, natural, I should not say anything.”
„But is your lover, I hope that you can take care your health, because in my heart most important has two people, one is my younger sister, one is you.” Su Rou said.
„You could rest assured that I know fairly well, the big storm I have seen, here matter cannot baffle me, let alone brothers' matter, is my matter, is dangerous, should get up also on.” Chu Feng said with a smile.
„You ~~~” looks at such Chu Feng, Su Rou does not know that really should say any good, can only sweet smile, finally is with good intention did not go to say again.