hello Pen
Thank you send the letter, sorry again to make you troble about jick
and me. I will phone her and talk to her about the situasion about her and me,
If i have been in the same situsion like her, i will answear the same like she do.
If my daugther have been in the same situasion like mild, i will stay to take care of her.
Thank you for take care of my golfclubb and thanks for rent the motorbike, and my planning
to come to Hua hin in febr nexst year, and i promiss to invite you for dinner and hope you
have time for me,
Hope your new bisness will be a sucsess, and the innvitation to stay with me in grimstad
in the summertime hope you say yes.....
And then it is up to jick if she can visit me in hua hin, and planing to come to Norway,
inntill then. pleace have a nice days. and take care-
love from odd