Hi Zhenhua,my name is John.I saw your bio and photos in a the web site called a Foreign affair or the other name loveme.com and I liked your bio and photos so I thought it would be a pleasure to talk to you. I find this awkward trying to talk to you on email, I do not know what to say ,well I will try. We do have things in common,I am tall and thin,also in good shape for my age,that is what my doctor says. More about my self,I live alone in a apartment,both my parents have passed on and my brother also,my brothers wife. I did work at the post office for more than 35 years,I retired then my friend from high school has a small business and he had work for me so now I am driving a truck for him.I like to do a little bit of sports,even if I am not good,just for fun.I like the outdoors .I go out a little but I can be a homebody.I like pets a lot but do not have any because I live in a apartment. The type of woman I would like to meet Zhenhua ,one with good morals and ethics ,not materialistic,not demanding.One who would like me the way I am,have enjoyment talking and doing things together. I am looking for a wife because I do not like alone and I always wanted a family of my own . Well you can ask me anything Zhenhua and I will answer. This is my email address if you wish to talk to me jwhite3@cogeco.ca I will also use a online translator so you can understand what I wrote better. I have some photos,2 of my old work and one of my new,hope you like them. Well,I hope to talk to you soon,have a nice and safe day,Yours truly John