this seventeenth Sunday of ordinary tim translation - this seventeenth Sunday of ordinary tim Indonesian how to say this
On this seventeenth Sunday of ordinary time, the Church draws our attention to the need to always turn to God in prayers in all circumstances of life. She reminds us that prayer is the key to unlock and enter the heart of God. Today, Christ himself gives us this key to success. He teaches us how to pray, as well as encourages us to pray without ceasing.
In today’s first reading, Abraham our father in faith demonstrated great confidence and courage. Without fear he approached God and boldly interceded on behalf of Lot, his nephew. He stood in the gap for Lot’s Family in Sodom and Gomorrah. He demonstrated that he was an intercessor.
Abraham teaches we that we have a duty to intercede for others in prayers. We must not under estimate the power of prayer of intercession. There is a saying that: “God governs the world, while prayer governs God.” Through our intercession, God can save the righteous, heal the sick, and save those in all types of danger. It does not matter how far they are from us, because distance is not a barrier for God to hear us or act on our behalf.
In the second reading, Paul reminds us of our redemption in Christ Jesus. He reminds us that this was possible due to our faith in God who raised Jesus from the dead. Therefore, it is through this same faith that we must constantly approach God our father in prayer. It is through this same faith we must intercede for our families, friends, and especially for our world that is in total chaos right now.
Today’s gospel is an explicit call to pray. The wise disciple humbly implored Christ: “Lord teach us how to pray.” He is like the man who says: “Do not give me fish! Rather, teach me how to fish.”Today Christ prayed, and also taught us how to pray. Our Lord’s Prayer has been the subject of unnecessary debate. This is because, some have argued that it is not a prayer itself, but a model of how to pray. There is no need for this argument because through this prayer, mountains have been moved, and lives have been transformed.
Today, Jesus thought us that prayer is a necessary tool for us. All we need is to be persistent, patient, and humble. It is quiet unfortunate that most of us do not tarry and travail in prayer, yet we want mountains to be moved on our behalf. The reason is simple, we have lost faith in prayer and consequently in God.
If we must achieve any success in our mission, our prayer life must be revived, and we must burn with the zeal to pray. Therefore, like the disciple in today’s gospel, we must humbly implore Jesus: “Lord teach us how to pray.” Prayer is a simple project that accomplishes much. It is also a thing of the spirit. Hence, Paul reminds us that: “We do not know what to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us in groans that words cannot express” (Rom 8, 26). So we must constantly ask the Spirit of Jesus to help us to pray. Also, it important to note that, if we pray according to will and mind of God, He will hear us.
Finally, Our God never goes to sleep. He knows when, where, and how to respond and act. Therefore, we must not give up the habit of praying and interceding for one another because prayer unlocks the heart of God. It breaks barriers and brings down the power of God. Jesus himself started his ministry with prayer and ended it with prayer. If we preserver in prayer, we shall gladly testify: “On the day I called, you answered me, O Lord!”
Peace be with you all!

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Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]
Copied! this seventeenth Sunday of ordinary time, the Church draws our attention to the need to always turn to God in prayers in all circumstances of life. She reminds us that prayer is the key to unlock and enter the heart of God. Today, Christ himself gives us this key to success. He teaches us how to pray, as well as encourages us to pray without ceasing.In today’s first reading, Abraham our father in faith demonstrated great confidence and courage. Without fear he approached God and boldly interceded on behalf of Lot, his nephew. He stood in the gap for Lot’s Family in Sodom and Gomorrah. He demonstrated that he was an intercessor.Abraham teaches we that we have a duty to intercede for others in prayers. We must not under estimate the power of prayer of intercession. There is a saying that: “God governs the world, while prayer governs God.” Through our intercession, God can save the righteous, heal the sick, and save those in all types of danger. It does not matter how far they are from us, because distance is not a barrier for God to hear us or act on our behalf. In the second reading, Paul reminds us of our redemption in Christ Jesus. He reminds us that this was possible due to our faith in God who raised Jesus from the dead. Therefore, it is through this same faith that we must constantly approach God our father in prayer. It is through this same faith we must intercede for our families, friends, and especially for our world that is in total chaos right now.Today’s gospel is an explicit call to pray. The wise disciple humbly implored Christ: “Lord teach us how to pray.” He is like the man who says: “Do not give me fish! Rather, teach me how to fish.”Today Christ prayed, and also taught us how to pray. Our Lord’s Prayer has been the subject of unnecessary debate. This is because, some have argued that it is not a prayer itself, but a model of how to pray. There is no need for this argument because through this prayer, mountains have been moved, and lives have been transformed.Today, Jesus thought us that prayer is a necessary tool for us. All we need is to be persistent, patient, and humble. It is quiet unfortunate that most of us do not tarry and travail in prayer, yet we want mountains to be moved on our behalf. The reason is simple, we have lost faith in prayer and consequently in God.If we must achieve any success in our mission, our prayer life must be revived, and we must burn with the zeal to pray. Therefore, like the disciple in today’s gospel, we must humbly implore Jesus: “Lord teach us how to pray.” Prayer is a simple project that accomplishes much. It is also a thing of the spirit. Hence, Paul reminds us that: “We do not know what to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us in groans that words cannot express” (Rom 8, 26). So we must constantly ask the Spirit of Jesus to help us to pray. Also, it important to note that, if we pray according to will and mind of God, He will hear us.Finally, Our God never goes to sleep. He knows when, where, and how to respond and act. Therefore, we must not give up the habit of praying and interceding for one another because prayer unlocks the heart of God. It breaks barriers and brings down the power of God. Jesus himself started his ministry with prayer and ended it with prayer. If we preserver in prayer, we shall gladly testify: “On the day I called, you answered me, O Lord!”Peace be with you all!
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Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]
Pada hari Minggu ketujuh belas ini waktu biasa, Gereja menarik perhatian kita terhadap kebutuhan untuk selalu berpaling kepada Allah dalam doa dalam segala situasi kehidupan. Dia mengingatkan kita bahwa doa adalah kunci untuk membuka dan masukkan hati Allah. Hari ini, Kristus sendiri memberi kita tombol ini untuk sukses. Dia mengajarkan kita cara berdoa, serta mendorong kita untuk berdoa tanpa henti.
Dalam bacaan pertama hari ini, Abraham ayah kami dalam iman menunjukkan kepercayaan yang besar dan keberanian. Tanpa takut dia mendekati Allah dan berani campur atas nama Lot, keponakannya. Dia berdiri di celah bagi Lot keluarga di Sodom dan Gomora. Dia menunjukkan bahwa ia adalah seorang pendoa syafaat.
Abraham mengajarkan kita bahwa kita memiliki kewajiban untuk berdoa bagi orang lain dalam doa-doa. Kita tidak harus di bawah perkiraan kekuatan doa syafaat. Ada pepatah yang mengatakan bahwa: ". Allah mengatur dunia, sementara doa mengatur Tuhan" Melalui doa kita, Tuhan bisa menyelamatkan orang benar, menyembuhkan orang sakit, dan menyimpan mereka di semua jenis bahaya. Tidak peduli seberapa jauh mereka dari kita, karena jarak bukan penghalang bagi Allah mendengar kita atau bertindak atas nama kami.
Dalam pembacaan kedua, Paulus mengingatkan kita penebusan kita di dalam Kristus Yesus. Dia mengingatkan kita bahwa ini adalah mungkin karena iman kita kepada Allah yang telah membangkitkan Yesus dari antara orang mati. Oleh karena itu, melalui iman yang sama bahwa kita harus terus-menerus mendekati Allah Bapa kita dalam doa. Ini adalah melalui iman yang sama kita harus berdoa bagi keluarga kami, teman-teman, dan terutama untuk dunia kita yang dalam kekacauan total sekarang.
Injil hari ini adalah panggilan eksplisit untuk berdoa. Murid bijak dengan rendah hati memohon Kristus: "Tuhan mengajarkan kita bagaimana untuk berdoa." Dia seperti orang yang mengatakan: "Jangan beri aku ikan! Sebaliknya, mengajari saya bagaimana untuk ikan. "Hari ini Kristus berdoa, dan juga mengajarkan kita bagaimana untuk berdoa. Doa Tuhan kita telah menjadi subyek perdebatan yang tidak perlu. Hal ini karena, ada yang berpendapat bahwa itu bukan doa itu sendiri, tetapi model bagaimana untuk berdoa. Tidak perlu untuk argumen ini karena melalui doa ini, gunung-gunung telah dipindahkan, dan kehidupan telah berubah.
Hari ini, Yesus berpikir kita bahwa doa adalah alat yang diperlukan bagi kita. Semua yang kita butuhkan adalah untuk menjadi gigih, sabar, dan rendah hati. Itu tenang disayangkan bahwa sebagian besar dari kita tidak berlama-lama dan penderitaan dalam doa, namun kita ingin pegunungan dipindahkan atas nama kami. Alasannya sederhana, kita telah kehilangan iman dalam doa dan akibatnya pada Tuhan.
Jika kita harus mencapai keberhasilan dalam misi kami, kehidupan doa kita harus dihidupkan kembali, dan kita harus membakar dengan semangat untuk berdoa. Oleh karena itu, seperti murid dalam Injil hari ini, kita harus dengan rendah hati memohon Yesus: "Tuhan mengajarkan kita bagaimana berdoa." Doa adalah sebuah proyek sederhana yang menyelesaikan banyak. Ini juga merupakan hal roh. Oleh karena itu, Paulus mengingatkan kita bahwa: "Kami tidak tahu apa yang harus berdoa untuk, tetapi Roh sendiri berdoa untuk kita di erangan bahwa kata-kata tidak bisa mengungkapkan" (Rom 8, 26). Jadi kita harus terus-menerus meminta Roh Yesus untuk membantu kita untuk berdoa. Juga, penting untuk dicatat bahwa, jika kita berdoa sesuai dengan kehendak dan pikiran Allah, Dia akan mendengar kita.
Akhirnya, Tuhan kami tidak pernah pergi tidur. Dia tahu kapan, di mana, dan bagaimana menanggapi dan bertindak. Oleh karena itu, kita tidak harus menyerah kebiasaan berdoa dan menjadi perantara bagi satu sama lain karena doa membuka hati Tuhan. Rusak hambatan dan membawa turun kuasa Allah. Yesus sendiri memulai pelayanannya dengan doa dan berakhir dengan doa. Jika kita Pemelihara dalam doa, kita akan dengan senang hati bersaksi: "Pada hari saya menelepon, Anda menjawab aku, ya Tuhan!"
Damai sejahtera bagi kamu semua!

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