The Role of a Tour Operator When putting together a Package Holiday
The role of tour operators, unlike travel agencies who sell a range of holidays and other travel products, tour operators actually assemble the component parts of a holiday.
The tour operator’s role
A tour operator is more of a service provider, providing the most convenient option for tourists to visit, stay, as well as leave from the destination. They work in coordination with several key players of the tourism business such as airlines, hotels, restaurants and tour guides.
Responsibilities of the tour operator
A tour operator is completely responsible for the services rendered to the customers during the holiday. He ensures that all the services mentioned in the package holiday are made available to customers. He is also responsible for conveying any delay or cancellation of flight, as well as making alternative arrangements for stay and departure.
Developing the package holiday
Developing holiday packages includes organizing different services in a manner that is affordable for the customer as well as profitable for the tour operator. For instance, Airline Operators may not always be able to sell all the tickets, where some seats are sold to the Tour Operators in bulk, thus ensuring sale of tickets indirectly. When bulk orders are placed, tour operators are able to negotiate lower prices. This is true in case of every service related to tourism industry.
Advertising the package holiday
Developing an effective ad campaign is an important step in developing holiday packages. This is because a well marketed product is likely to get a good response from potential clients. A great example is HTP - Holiday Travel Packages, (
The preparation that is needed
The main preparation needed for creating a package holiday is to have the best knowledge of the destination for which the package is being developed. A Tour Operator must be completely aware of different types of services available including alternatives if needed. Apart from this, he must also make himself aware of government policies and regulations with reference to tourists and travel to foreign countries.
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