• Target to start SIT on 29-Aug. However, we will have the checkpoint tomorrow (26-Aug)
• There are 3 cycles for SIT and there will be code and data refreshment in between each cycle to make sure that we start the new cycle with the fresh data and related codes.
• SAS has identified the follow key risks
• SAS ECM resource who will work on the regulatory report part.
• No buffer and not factor the holidays in the current plan.
• Additional activities which not been included in the current plan
- Based on the issue that we’ve faced in SG that we did not test the whole year of data. Hence for TH, we will need to test and validate the remaining 8 months of data since during the testing we plan to use only 4 months of data.
- Due to the complexity of TH project, we will need to have deployment rehearsal at least once before go-live
• Additional scopes
- Channel mapping logic and requirement has not been finalized yet
- World Check. With the current design, we have designed as daily loading but seems like BBL has an issue to get the daily data on weekend so we may need to load weekly file instead to cover that period.
- ATM extra field mapping which BBL still not be able to provide the final Requirement.