„In this world does not have anything is impossible, you said not possibly, is only you are ignorant, I had already said that must tilt Saint Martial King Dynasty, today cuts to kill you, the Saint Martial King Dynasty history must completely end, come, looked how you meet my third step.”
The Jiang Chen invincible might is unparalleled, the black hair makes widely known, from top to bottom is the golden light, is alive just like the war-god is the same, he lifts the footsteps, trod the third step.
These step steps forward, void will almost tread a hole, the Jiang Chen speed extremely, the time between twinkles, then arrived at the Retired Emperor top of the head quickly merely, Retired Emperor has had a big shock, the step that Jiang Chen used, was one by one terrorist, this third step strength enough was second step one time, oneself could not resist, if these step trod in own head, the consequence was dreadful, perhaps the head must blossom directly.
Retired Emperor cursed angrily one, in this final moment, he tore forcefully void, stature overflowed, the whole person directly entered void, Jiang Chen was too strong, hitting was hits, it seems like can only save the life to say first again.
„Snort! I must kill you today, runs cannot run away.”
Jiang Chen cold snort, he had already released Mighty Soul Derivation Technique, to prevent Retired Emperor runs away, today must kill Retired Emperor, otherwise, a disaster of 2-Tier Battle King big, that is hard to imagine.
Can predict that after Retired Emperor escapes, definitely will hide, from now, side Black Sect and Jiang Chen all people will face a 2-Tier Battle King terror to have the threat, moreover is the hideaway, in that case, entire Black Sect can not be peaceful.
In the plan of Jiang Chen, has solved Saint Martial King Dynasty, he must step the Divine Land journey, but if Retired Emperor is also living he, his where dares to leave, perhaps in front of walks, behind Retired Emperor will get rid, wiped out to the last man that and concerned all people will kill.
Therefore, Jiang Chen will certainly not make Retired Emperor run away.
„Comes out to me.”
Jiang Chen gaze like the torch, third step trod maliciously in void one, only listened to a sad and shrill pitiful yell to resound from void, Retired Emperor by a Jiang Chen foot directly from void shaking.
Retired Emperor at this moment, the stature sways unceasingly, an arm had been trod by Jiang Chen completely, the blood stream continues.
„True Dragon Great Handprint.”
The Jiang Chen big hand searches, does not give the Retired Emperor opportunity, the giant dragon claw overhead, firmly lives in Retired Emperor sieging, Retired Emperor at this moment, to Jiang Chen, is the spent force, lost the strength of counter-attack.
„Does not have anything to say with you, under goes with your descendants reunion.”
Jiang Chen gets rid heartlessly, a vast strength spouts from the dragon claw suddenly, toward the Retired Emperor extrusion.
Retired Emperor has sent out last pitiful yell.