In the empty gate, Jiang Chen has battled two day time, but harvests is not too big, because here Monster Beast strength is really not too formidable, links Battle Spirit Realm unexpectedly does not have, by the Jiang Chen present inside story, builds up Divine Core Realm Monster Spirit, the function is not too big, this caused one type is the ugly result, Jiang Chen has killed very much laboriously for two days, does not know that extinguished has killed many Monster Beast, built up how many Monster Spirit did not know to have, was only condenses 40 Dragon Mark unexpectedly, the distance has promoted Divine Core Realm Late Stage, difference finally 60.
„Paternal grandmother, the Dragon Transformation Art real his mother's anomaly, the fathers became another bottomless pit, it seems like could not find Battle Spirit Realm Monster Spirit, I was very difficult to promote Divine Core Realm Late Stage, does not manage, I felt that the path of empty gate soon came to the end, first exited to say again.”
Jiang Chen is actually at heart depressed, because his road of practice was too difficult, wanting the later road unable to bear a little has a headache, now Divine Core Realm, is promoted so is then difficult.
Icelandic most center, stands tall and erect high a ancient tower, this ancient tower seems has seven fully, above portrays complex grains to wind, the superficial rusty stain of ancient tower stained, looks is very ancient construction, does not know that had many years.
At this moment, the place hundred li (0.5km) away in the ancient tower, two unreal gateways starts unceasing rocking, has the person's shadow to walk unceasingly from inside, in a while, then fully hundred people go out from two gateways, following person's shadow also in unceasing continuation.
„, The father came out finally, the father entered to Icelandic most deep place.”
„Bad risk and opportunity coexist, I in living the gate almost died, but has promoted finally actually a rank, has achieved Divine Core Realm Late Stage, it seems like I have the big destiny person, this time comes in Iceland, certainly can obtain the advantage that is unable to imagine.”
That two gateways naturally are the exits of life and death gate, walks the person who from inside, majority experienced the life and death, some people location injuries, some people obtained the huge advantage, cultivation to strive, character who no matter how, can walk from the life and death gate, the disposition be more tenacious than before, even if can not arrive at more treasure, after exiting, can become the top dog by own will.
„Snort! That three bastards do not know where, has not met unexpectedly.”
The Shangguan Clan person walked from the dead gate, is headed by Shangguan Yi Long, on faces is having the depressed color.
Together comes out also has Ling Du, his complexion is unattractive, because he experience in dead gate is not good, was bogged down in difficulties many, not only has not met the Han Yan three people, is links a nice treasure not to obtain, obtained one not to know the broken bronze medal of only useful.
At this moment, two gateways make buzz the sound of cry separately, tyrannical incomparable forms from flushed, a these form emergence, have started strong fresh breeze directly, suddenly, walks eight people from inside, each is the Battle Spirit Realm master, when first they, unexpectedly are the Battle Spirit Realm Middle Stage masters.
Must know that can come in Iceland, is under 30 years old, achieved Battle Spirit Realm Middle Stage in this age, the natural talent described with the monstruous talent sufficiently, to entire Eastern Continent, was the great talent exists.
On their faces has the arrogance that the average man is unable to hope to attain, that is in the haughtiness from bone, naturally, they have the haughty capital, because they come from a place, Martial Palace!