As one of the position statements in this special issue states (Domingos; this issue), (multi-)relational data min- ing (MRDM) is a field whose time has come. The present article provides an entry point into this lively and exciting research area. Since many of the MRDM techniques around have their origin in logic-based approaches to learning and inductive logic programming (ILP), an introduction to ILP was given first. Three major approaches to MRDM were covered next: relational association rules, relational deci- sion trees and relational distance-based approaches. Finally, a brief overview of the literature and Internet resources in this area were provided for those looking for more detailed information. While a variety of successful applications of MRDM exist, these are not covered in this article: we refer the reader to [20], as well as Page and Craven; Domingos; and Getoor (this issue).