Welcome to the CIEE Work & Travel USA program. We hope you are looking forward to your adventure.
Before you start your program, you are required to complete the CIEE online orientation. In the orientation, you will learn about the program’s rules and regulations, and advice for how to have a successful program.
To complete your orientation, you will need:
Internet access (high speed internet recommended)
Adobe Flash Player 9.0 or higher (if this is not already installed on your computer you will be prompted to download it for free)
Speakers or headphones
You should also give yourself at least 60 minutes to complete the orientation. You must complete the entire orientation before you travel to the U.S. to start your program.
When you are ready to start your Orientation, please go to and enter the following information:
DS-2019 Number: N0012781654
If you have any problems logging in, please contact your local agency for help.
You may also want to read the following helpful documents, provided by the U.S. Department of State:
Program Welcome Letter
Program Brochure
Rights & Protections
CIEE hopes you have a wonderful time on the program. We will be available to help you throughout your stay in the U.S.