During the second teaching in the classroom, I went through many emotions and many questions running through my mind. I was worried that my students would not understand me but I prepared myself and worked more on my language so students will understand.
Reflection is important to the teacher, Teacher need to do reflection after their teaching because for find ways resolve the problem that happened in classroom, and teacher need to plan for the next lesson, Teacher need to improve their teaching for student can learned effectively and can obtain the language as proficiency and also, in teaching, I need to consider in many way such as interaction in classroom, the way to teaching and way to used language to student.
From the macro2, I think I should do enough to use power-point and understand much more than this, so students will not be bored in the classroom, which ICT subjects I think it needs more fun.
However, I considered my English proficiency at the intermediate level. I need to study hard and learn more of English. I can see from my teaching itself that sometimes I still have faced with the problem and lack of vocabulary. Therefore, I need to be more practice and improve my English proficiency.
If I had a chance I will make varies and creativities lesson to make my students concentrate and interested in my teaching. Activities will help them to be more active and it can help them of thinking skill because in the activity students have to think a lot. Ones they enjoyed the class, it helps them easily to understand the lesson and they were not feeling bored in the class.