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Thai) 1:
Psychotic symptoms can occur in a single episodeor as part of an ongoing diagnosed illness, such asschizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, or schi-zoaffective disorder. Psychotic symptoms are classi-cally divided into positive (an excess or distortion ofnormal functions) and negative (a diminution or lossof normal functions) symptoms. The distinctionbetween the symptoms is important because typicalantipsychoticsprimarilyaffectthepositivesymptomsofpsychosis,whileatypicalantipsychoticsalsoaffectthe negative symptoms (Julien, 2008). Pharmacolo-gical therapeutics are developed from a theoreticalfoundation related to the etiology and trajectory ofdisorders. For example, the dopamine theory ofschizophrenia proposes that the disorder developedfrom dopamine dysregulation, resulting in an over-activity of dopamine function in the brain. Thisconclusion was achieved from information related tothe abuse of stimulant drugs, such as amphetamines,which are known to increase dopamine concentra-tions, producing psychotic symptoms in peoplewithout a previous diagnosis of a psychotic disorder.Dopamine receptors are classified as D 1 , D 2 , D 3 , D 4 ,and D 5 (Julien, 2008). All antipsychotics (bothtypical and atypical) have a binding affinity for theD 2 receptor resulting in the therapeutic antipsychotic effect
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