So with evil prevailing over good, the universe had shifted off kilter for me and for many who could not find the words to express this feeling. Now we are forced to resort to taking comfort in preserving his legacy, as if the media would allow us to do so painlessly. We face the dilemma of watching his children grow because it's part of what we have left of him, even knowing he so vehemently denied access and protected them from the public eye.
But when he left us, the spotlight shone on you, Paris and you carried the torch as long as you could. The love transferred to you...but so did the hatred. Now those masks your Daddy had you wear seem more prophetic than ever. I long for the days when you lived "Behind The Mask," when being another face in the crowd was still an option. But please know that you never had to hide " Behind The Mask" to uphold a brave front when you lost your father, in order to uphold and protect us. We are here to uphold and protect you! You were just a child trying to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Your father carried a lot of weight as a child and the load is too heavy to ask of you under the circumstances. You owe the world nothing. You only owe it to yourself to get in touch with your feelings, and purge them so you can heal properly. You can get as angry as you want. You can fall away from the public eye. You can delete your Twitter.... who says that people deserve that much access to you anyway?
You can challenge your critics or be still. Do whatever you truly need to do to be right within yourself, not what you feel you need to do for your father's fans or his legacy. You know that this is what he would want for you.