Lin Ming originally was just about to embark, suddenly was startled, turned head, actually saw Yan Yue somewhat awkward looks at itself, in these people, the talent polysome present of Yan Yue realizes from experience the principle sum ** on speed, she did not excel at the actual combat, the life and death will not slaughter, in addition she cultivation to somewhat low, the strength was in all people sets the base, she walked, really had the danger.
Yan Yue had self-knowledge very much, even though said that the divine beast mystical place trial dangerous surname was not high, but some trial also people will die each time, Yan Yue does not want to become.
„Emperor ** didn't invite you?” Lin Ming frowns slightly, similarly passes message the covered passageway with the Yuan.
even though said that he did not mind helps Yan Yue, but this matter, if embraces, definitely will draw on the hatred to oneself, quite therefore has hit the emperor ** the face, his even though does not fear the emperor **, but is not willing to go looking for trouble.
„Is but he, I had listened before, the reputation is not quite good” in the Yan Yue present heart really to be much more poverty-stricken, she usually in Exquisite Phoenix Palace is many things around a center little princess, if left Exquisite Phoenix Palace, in other Branch Palace, in the event of male **, that gathered round by the innumerable pursuers does everything to please, the perfect Ancient Phoenix bloodline add on her originally again on the good appearance, the pursuer can not how!
The arrogant and superiority feeling of human is not inherent, but is Houtian training, grows up in this environment, Yan Yue is certainly arrogant, like this is thick the matter that the facial skin is delivering on own initiative her first doing.
Voluntarily requests to travel together with a man, but also was asked back, lest she in the Lin Ming heart gives birth to misunderstand.
Lin Ming with the split vision non- scar of eye shot a look at the emperor **, actually sees the emperor ** also smiles ** is waiting.
A moment ago the Yan Yue and Lin Ming conversation between sent greetings with really the Yuan, was fast, time of rest, they looked at each other time is very short, emperor ** was also kept in the dark, simple-minded waited for Yan Yue to promise him, as for in emperor **, several as if were the emperors ** the fellow of buddy friend, then laughing was chatting, seemed waiting to look that emperor ** pursued the female success.
If carries off Yan Yue, that is equal to pulling out the emperor without a doubt in the presence of everyone ** ear and area around it.
In addition the issue, Lin Ming thought to treasure hunt, but takes Yan Yue, then obtained the assignment of treasure to be a problem.
Sees Lin Ming hesitant, exactly said that does not want to take own appearance obviously, in the Yan Yue heart is very depressed, are oneself so unpopular? Was much longer affected your mood? This matter, her long such greatly first experience.
In heart one anxious, Yan Yue clenches teeth saying: „Before I come to the divine beast mystical place, the Huo Lieshi senior had said had the what matter to ask you to be good, said that was he had confessed with you in secret must take care of me”
During the speeches, small pink / white fist subconscious getting hold of Yan Yue, said this words to come, lost the self-respect, she was very suffering from injustice.
„” The Lin Ming bursting out laughing, thinks carefully that Huo Lieshi spoke such words, something to be talked about later that but also supplemented one to never revere, Lin Ming had not cared, thought cracks a joke, it seems like that this old fogy was earnest.
„This good.”
Lin Ming has to comply reluctantly, actually he is not the cold blood person, does not have the what friendship with Yan Yue even though, but the afterall also in the fire spirit star with cultivation for two years, cannot look helplessly Yan Yue has an accident, no matter lets her, is with the emperor **, is easy the danger, like his fire fierce stone has no way to confess.
Thinks that Lin Ming supplemented one, „you travel together with me, but there is words in first, we look for the treasure to depend on the skill respectively, the thing that I found, will not share benefit to you, the thing that you obtain, I will not want.”