4.1 Conclusion
As the conclusion, stress is the combination of psychological, physiological, and behavioural reactions that people have in response to events that threaten or challenge them. Stress can be good or bad. Sometimes, stress is helpful, providing people with the extra energy or alertness they need. Stress could give a runner the edge he or she needs to persevere in a marathon, for example. This good kind of stress is called eustress. Unfortunately, stress is often not helpful and can even be harmful when not managed effectively. Stress could make a salesperson buckle under the pressure while trying to make a sales pitch at an important business meeting, for example. Moreover, stress can increase the risk of developing health problems, such as cardiovascular disease and anxiety disorders. This bad kind of stress is called distress, the kind of stress that people usually are referring to when they use the word stress.
Our study is conducted among the students in Pahang Matriculation College to investigate deeper on the background of stress, identify the factors associated with the stress among the students of KMPh, the effects of stress that can be experience and to recommend suitable and appropriate actions that can be taken to overcome this problem. After conducting the study by collecting data using questionnaires among students, researches generally able to achieve our objective. The factor that associated with this problem is financial problem, study, friends and family. Based on our researches the main factor of stress is study. It is show that student’s nowadays are mature enough and realize that it is their responsibility to excel in academic. There are also the other factors contributed to stress among students too but that seem rarely when compared to stress cause by study.
Next, we also study about the effects of stress among students. From the finding, we can conclude stress are bringing benefit as well as harm to students. Majority of the students thinks that stress is good, useful and necessary as stress would make them become motivated as they can overcome the stress by their own. While the negative side of stress is majority of the students will feel tired during the day when they are stress. The other effect is they will cannot sleep well at night and also will do not feel well.
In the last section of the study, we look into the ways to overcome the stress. As the majority of the students eating when they are stress. Singing is the second choice that the students do when they feel stress. Less respondent shouting, crying and the others. We can see that many of our respondents release their stress by eating the food. While these strategies may serve as temporary diversion and it will also cause side effect on your health. Stress can be good and bad, it just depend on you how to dealing with it.
4.2 Recommendations
After conducting the study among the 21 respondents in Pahang Matriculation College, these are most suitable ways to overcome the stress based on our research:
1. Always thinks positively.
2. Laugh.
3. Seek help from the motivation.
4. Do something that you love. The examples are eating ,singing and mores.
5. Doing outdoor activity.
6. Plan some fun. Take a break.
7. Plan to eat foods that improve health and eat an appropriate amount of food at a reasonable schedule.
When you are stressed, manage it. Stress affects everybody. As stress research pioneer Hans Selye
said, “the only time we are not reacting to stress is when we are dead”.