Results (
Thai) 1:
Abstract Pichia kudriavzevii DMKU 3-ET15 wasisolated from traditional fermented pork sausage by anenrichment technique in a yeast extract peptonedextrose (YPD) broth, supplemented with 4 % (v/v)ethanol at 40 C and selected based on its ethanolfermentation ability at 40 C in YPD broth composedof 16 % glucose, and in a cassava starch hydrolysatemedium composed of cassava starch hydrolysateadjusted to 16 % glucose. The strain produced ethanolfrom cassava starch hydrolysate at a high temperatureup to 45 C, but the optimal temperature for ethanolproduction was at 40 C. Ethanol production by thisstrain using shaking flask cultivation was the highestin a medium containing cassava starch hydrolysateadjusted to 18 % glucose, 0.05 % (NH4)2SO4, 0.09 %yeast extract, 0.05 % KH2PO4, and 0.05 % MgSO47H2O, with a pH of 5.0 at 40 C. The highest ethanolconcentration reached 7.86 % (w/v) after 24 h, withproductivity of 3.28 g/l/h and yield of 85.4 % of thetheoretical yield. At 42 C, ethanol production by thisstrain became slightly lower, while at 45 C only3.82 % (w/v) of ethanol, 1.27 g/l/h productivity and41.5 %of the theoretical yield were attained. In a studyon ethanol production in a 2.5-l jar fermenter with anagitation speed of 300 rpm and an aeration rate of0.1 vvm throughout the fermentation, P. kudriavzeviiDMKU 3-ET15 yielded a final ethanol concentrationof 7.35 % (w/v) after 33 h, a productivity of 2.23 g/l/hand a yield of 79.9 % of the theoretical yield.
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