Results (
Vietnamese) 1:
Task descriptionYou are to choose a case study of your choice, define the problem in the case study, and use allapplicable theories you have learned throughout the course to analyze and solve the problem.The case study is preferably an organization that you can investigate empirically: It could be onewhere you did your internship, the workplace of your acquaintances, or any organization that younotice problems and can get access to information.You are to write a report on the case study and do a presentation from week 12 – 14. The reportshould be no longer than 10 pages and submitted on week 15. The entire project is worth 30%of your total grade, with 20% to the report and 10% to the oral presentation. The reportcould be written in the traditional form, or in the form of role play (a script), and submitted viaTurnitin and my personal email. A video or pictures may be included if it helps you to presentthe problem better. You can be very creative with how you present the case, as long as it coversall the necessary information.2. Project outlineThe suggested outline of the project is as follows, although you can adjust it according to yourneed:1. Introduction:- Case description: The introduction should describe the case in as much detail aspossible. It should include basic information on the organization and describe theproblem. Please keep in mind that the audience knows little about the case, so theywill need all the information necessary to analyze the problem with you.
- Objectives and scope of the report.
2. Methodology:
- The section should describe in detail the process of collecting information,
identifying, analyzing and solving the problem in the case study. Basically, it should
answer the question: What did you do to reach the final conclusion?
3. Case analysis
- This section should discuss the theories you used to identify the problem, analyze it,
and solve it. The theories should be described in detail before applied to the case.
4. Conclusion and recommendation.
5. References
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