■ Wash hands before and after handling food and eating and after using the restroom.
■ Cook all meat, fish, and poultry to the well-done stage.
■ Do not eat raw or undercooked eggs such as soft-boiled eggs, “over-easy” eggs, or
Caesar salads with raw eggs in the dressing.
■ Do not eat sushi, raw seafood, raw meats, or unpasteurized milk or dairy products.
■ Do not drink water unless it is known to be safe.
■ Refrigerate foods immediately after purchase.
■ Avoid cross-contamination by using separate cutting boards and work surfaces for
raw meats and poultry; keep work surfaces clean.
■ Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly in clean water.
■ Do not use moldy or damaged fruits and vegetables.
■ Thaw food in the refrigerator, never at room temperature.
■ If the microwave is used to thaw frozen meat, cook the meat immediately after it is
■ Refrigerate leftovers immediately after eating; thoroughly reheat before eating.
■ Discard leftovers after 24 hours.
■ Keep hot foods