communicative scenarios
final presentation
object : using vocabulary and pronunciation tips you are learned throughout the couse, create 3-4 minute presentation that describes a journey you have taken
Think of a journey you have taken.
Remember that journeys come in all size and shapes.
Some journeys are physical. In other words, you are moving from one place in the world to another.
Some journey are educational.
Your path learning English for example.
Still other journeys are spiritual or emotional.
Your presentation can focus on any one of these types of journeys, as long as you are comfortable sharing for experiences.
write down each step of your journey and describe it.
How did you feel during that step?
Who did you meet?
What did you do?
What happened to you?
These are some question you may ask yourself.
Create of find visuals to go to along with each step of your journey.
-Organize your visual onto a power point presentation or in poster.
You must have a visual aide withe your presentation
-Practice telling your story in a fun and creative way.
A journey is a story, how will you tell yours in the most interesting way possible?
-Practice with other using your visuals aide.
The best presentations are those that have been rehearsed
presentation should be as creative as possible
presentation should include vocabulary whenever possible and should be rehearsed