his frowning
"Luzina Takes A Holiday introduces the readers to the surroundings and the Tousignant family. The reader is told that the surroundings were very isolated from the rest of Manitoba, in actuality, the whole area is extremely isolated from the rest of Manitoba. They live on an island that one had to reach by poorly made, almost invisible trails and by canoe. The house was built with unsquared logs and level with the ground, Gabrielle Roy says " ¦it stands ¦bare to the four winds of heaven. The Tousignant family is consists of Hippolyte and Luzina Tousignant and their eight children, who all had "compound appellations from history books and novels. The reader also discovers that Luzina goes on fairly regular "business trips to Saint Rose du Lac; but the reader cannot figure out what these trips are for until the last few lines of the chapter. These last few lines say, " ¦Luzina stepped out upon the ground. And in her arms, as happened whenever she returned from her business trips, Luzina carried the baby she had gone into Saint Rose du Lac to bring into the world.