From last lesson learnt from ACCumotive housing plastic parts.
I foresee the flow and responsibility seemly not clear.
It may create a repeat case in future for next coming sample or future projects. To avoid delay decision or discover the issue late.
This is my analysis and propose the responsibility:
1. As this plastic parts was injected /produced by mold maker. = My opinion is the owner of this parts is sourcing and SQE?. Pls. correct me if I’m wrong.
2. During we waiting parts arrive in house.=== My opinion is SQE, QA engineer & IQC staff start to define IQC sheet for this plastic parts. Pls. correct me if I’m wrong.
3. During plastic parts was injected at mold maker= Sourcing and SQE must ensure, we send IQC/Inspection sheet include criteria acceptance to mold maker do self outgoing before send out mold. Pls. correct me if I’m wrong.
4. When plastic parts come to Schaffner door.= We need SQE /Sourcing contact IQC to do IQC and find the conclusion with QA engineer who direct response for each project if any unclear decision issue.
Pls. review and let me know the agreement.
Then I will discuss in ACCUmotive project as pilot set up the flow.
From above the flow, I do not see how injection engineer to involve on this quality check? Same as last case…
If you need a discussion, let me know.