as part of our Food Safety -programme all product undergoes Microbiological Analysis prior to shipment. This testing procedure
within 9 days which means your product will not be available until the date of Micro test result as above.
However, should you require your product to be shipped before the results are available we would require your company to sign
the authorization below. The goods will be sent with the understanding that the goods have yet to go through Microbiological
testing and the product should NOT be consumed prior to the release in writing of the results by Kerry.
Please note the product will undergo both physical and chemical analysis as normal at the time of manufacture and it is only the
microbiological results that will be outstanding at the time of shipment. If in the unlikely event there is a problem with the product
and it has been used prior to the release of the test results, Kerry will not be liable for any direct or indirect loss whatsoever and
however caused.
We trust this solution is acceptable to you so that we may ship the product to you by your requested date. The shipment is now
on hold pending your approval. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.