The second unit in the drama course at Jarvis is all about masks, how to make them and how to act in them. This unit is probably one of the most enjoyable units of drama because it combines hands on activities with drama. Masks are a very important piece of art in many plays and live shows. Using masks during a show enables the actor to become more than one character, and enhances their ability to act by letting them experience different personalities. Masks in the theatre are also used to express and reinforce the character and the story, create a distance between the actor on stage and the character of the story. Also, at times an actor may not be able to create a facial expression, in which masks come in.
Masks are used all over the world for cultural and/or religious purposes. For example the African mask is used all over Africa for religious ceremonial purposes, such as communicating with sprits and ancestors. For that reason, the African masks are considered a treasure. Along with religious ceremonies, African masks are used in rituals that celebrate birth, funerals, initiati...