What frightened is, the head of this person ruptured completely, only the remaining headless corpses, the blood from beheading to flow unceasingly, the scene is scary.
„Is the person who before came, walked in front of us, has not thought that encountered the mishap.”
Han Yan said.
„Repairing of this person of Divine Core Realm Initial Stage is, looks at his injury, should a fist exploding the head, did not have the strength of counterattack.”
Nangong Wen Tian said.
„Careful, here possibly has not the well-known thing.”
The Jiang Chen pupil light trembles.
„How to conclude?”
Nangong Wen Tian looks to Jiang Chen.
„The path that because we take, the person who before came were not many, and has not repaired to be specially tyrannical, the most minimum nobody had the ability not to have the fist of strength of counterattack to explode the head a Divine Core Realm Initial Stage master, let alone, here did not have the treasure, necessity that has not competed, before has not gone out of the path terminus, should not have the human to kill one another.”
Jiang Chen concludes to say.
„Xiao Chen said right, since is not humanity so-called, that is here is then hiding other monsters.”
The Han Yan complexion changes.
„Be careful.”
Jiang Chen gives a loud shout suddenly, his speed is extremely fast, turns toward the back fist of Han Yan to pound suddenly.
Only listened to the sad sound of bang, other fists and things of Jiang Chen collides.
Han Yan turns round suddenly, sees behind does not know when stands to be higher than a stone of head, right, this is together the situation, turns yellow all over the body, understood at a glance that has the time not to be short.
The megalith grew the both legs both feet, semblance looked at and humanity without doubt, what was only different was the head does not have the five senses, stone that can move, to human an incomparably gloomy feeling.
Receives Jiang Chen fist heavy losses strangely, stone starts to send out the crack, afterward is direct to shatter, scatters place.
„Mother, what thing this is, where braves, links me not to feel unexpectedly?”
Han Yan could not bear scold one, thinks that was fear, if just now were not Jiang Chen gets rid promptly, oneself perhaps already this stone strange saying.
„Is more careful, this stone exists in the middle of void strangely probably, cannot see unable to feel, momentarily can lash out, this person should strangely suddenly be attacked dead by the stone.”
Jiang Chen opens the mouth to say.
„Stone is strange, although the strength is good, but absolutely is not my match, but they hide in the middle of void, indeed virtually impossible to guard against.”
Han Yan frowns, his strength is tyrannical, the sensation strength is also keen, but Shi Guairu the ghosts and demons, under the general idea cannot feel.
„Stone strangely not only absolutely this.”
The Jiang Chen squatting down body, picks up together the stone chip casually, after inspecting carefully, opens the mouth saying: „Stone does not have least bit Yuan power to fluctuate strangely, the complete dependence's strength, this also not favorable impression on the reason that they have . Moreover, this Shi Guai does not have the least bit life characteristics, only knows the attack, virtually impossible to guard against, what good point is, so long as destroys them, then directly died.”
Han Yan and Nangong Wen Tian complexion somewhat is dignified, hides in the danger of hidden place is most fearful, they fully did not know about this Shi Guai that does not know why such living thing can survive, has the mystical Shi Guai appearance, the following path, perhaps and difficult to walk.