The 2-Tier Battle King imposing manner was too strong, let alone Retired Emperor now is the 2-Tier Battle King peak, at this moment, beside the Retired Emperor Ling Fengli in Black Sect upper air, dreadful anger and Murderous Qi fills the horizon, evidently, Retired Emperor must extinguish the chicken dog that kills not to remain entire Black Sect today may not.
Black Sect person looks up the sky, nobody dares to run, they do not doubt, at this time ran, that old fogy met first is relentless gives to tear into shreds them, in entire Black Sect, only had Jiang Chen to cope with Retired Emperor.
At this moment, is away from the Black Sect not far place, presented many forms, these forms are come to observe and watch the fun, now saw that Saint Martial King Dynasty really presents a 2-Tier Battle King rank the old monster, cannot bear sob.
„Was too terrorist, is this imposing manner of Battle King rank?”
„This is Saint Martial King Dynasty Retired Emperor, lives in seclusion for many years not born, now Saint Martial King Dynasty faced the danger, Emperor Lian emperor advocating peace Wu by others killing, Retired Emperor must get angry, was impossible to continue to live in seclusion.”
„How to see Jiang Chen to come out? Does not know that Jiang Chen can cope with this Saint Martial King Dynasty genuine master, if he hits this Retired Emperor, perhaps Black Sect as before must face perishes, Eastern Continent or Saint Martial King Dynasty world.”
„Did not say, had a look, Jiang Chen will certainly appear.”
These stand in the person who the distant place surrounds extremely, starts to whoop, many people are the invincible might and imposing manner that first time sees the Battle King master, nobody is not surprised, although Jiang Chen the terror is incomparable, but sees this Retired Emperor, in many will of the people cannot bear is Jiang Chen worried, after fellow of Jiang Chen this going against heaven's will since reputation Eastern Continent, then repeatedly creates the miracle, therefore the people were anticipating Jiang Chen can also create a time miracle, if can witness a dynasty with own eyes the destruction, with own eyes the testimony historical transition, is the matter that is extremely honored.
When the people discussed that an incomparably intrepid imposing manner from Black Sect, that potential changed into the golden air wave suddenly all at once, just liked Azure Dragon ripples in the sky equally, but also follows intermittent low and deep Long to recite, military might to the extreme.
Later, the white clothing form just likes lightning same appears in the sky together, stands with the Retired Emperor opposition, the white clothing form is not others, is Jiang Chen.
Jiang Chen had then succeeded to promote Battle Spirit Realm Late Stage yesterday evening, condenses 16,000 Dragon Mark, then closes up cultivation stably is, waits for Retired Emperor to arrive, has not thought the speed that Retired Emperor comes is very fast, after feeling the 2-Tier Battle King imposing manner, Jiang Chen then immediately goes out.
„Looks quickly, is Jiang Chen.”
„Quite fierce, Jiang Chen closed up for day, the imposing manner compared with yesterday does not know that wanted tyrannical many, was too simply abnormal.”
„Really is monstruous talent, he has promoted Battle Spirit Realm Late Stage, cannot believe simply that then faced 2-Tier Battle King, Jiang Chen should also strength of the war.”
After the Black Sect person sees Jiang Chen, on faces is reappears the excited color, on the scene may be the Battle Spirit Realm master, the eyesight is not bad, naturally can see momentous change that Jiang Chen and yesterday compared.
Sky, Jiang Chen and Retired Emperor look mutually, the pupil of both sides jumped has projected the spark.
„Saint Martial King Dynasty Retired Emperor, compared with me expected rapidness that must come.”
Jiang Chen not salty not pale saying, facing 2-Tier Battle King, on the face does not have the least bit tense color.
„Are you that Jiang Chen?”
During the Retired Emperor spoken languages is bringing ice-cold killing intent, he can feel the imposing manner that Jiang Chen within the body releases, in the heart is also incomparably surprised, when is startled, had concluded the Jiang Chen status, has to be able in Battle Spirit Realm with the imposing manner that Battle King compares favorably with, all over the world, perhaps also only then cut to kill Jiang Chen of old emperor advocating peace Emperor Wu.