Honesty is: the right to believe and saying to God and work Bmguetddah a dignified and lock .vicol great poet:
Promises to tell the truth tongue
Enjoys paradise
The tongue including accustomed unusual
The Almighty (O ye who UMNO, fear Allah and be with the truthful)
God made the righteous is like the righteous and the martyrs and Alnyen honesty greatest God arranged it brick
Great House Quran and Allah may reward the truthful Bjnat Aden and the great victory, he said God bless Rsoallah
Him (you the truth, the truthfulness leads to righteousness and righteousness leads to Paradise and the man is still incredible and
Investigate the truthfulness until he is a friend of God and you are lying, the lying leads to immorality and immorality leads to
Fire is still investigating the man is lying and lying even writes about God a liar).
How many in the Qur'an and Sunnah mention the name of honesty must be recognized that the book lying as reserves all taboos
The major sin force.
Interest {{}}
The path of the righteous honesty and lying naked and impoverishment and not telling a lie, because he does not work and lying leads to
Immorality leads to the fire.