However, Models 3 and 5 had lesser errors for both RMSE and MAPE compared to Model 4 (Table 5). Therefore, analysis suggests that Models 3 and 5 were the best overall fit to the experimental data. As depicted in Fig. 3, Models 2 and 6 tended to underestimate (75% of cases) and Models 3, 4 and 5 were prone to overestimate (75–85%of cases), while Model 1 showed an evenly distributed accuracy. Results from elemental analysis presented in Table 6 showed relatively higher values for Mn and Cl in mango peel, Mg, Mn, Cl in litchi peel and Na, Fe,Mn and Cl, As, Cr, and Pb in longan peel. Greater Mn and Ni levels were found for mango seed samples and mango endocarp showed larger Fe content. N content was generally higher in seed samples, but very low in mango endocarp.