Dear Valued Customers,
Thank you for your patience and support within the past couple of days. We would like to share the latest update regarding the oil spill incident, unrelated to Maersk Line activities, which took place in Tanjung Pelepas on August 24.
Progress as per September 7, 2016:
Vessel cleaning status:
Vessel cleaning is progressing well. Currently we have one Maersk Line vessel left to clean and prepare, and we expect this to be completed by September 6.
Terminal cleaning status:
The Port of Tanjung Pelepas has brought in external suppliers and consultants to support with the cleaning. As of now, there is a significant reduction in oil. Quay is still being regularly cleaned to remove all oil stains.
Maersk Line’s contingency plan for containers that are now in Tanjung Pelepas:
•North Europe cargo: we are planning for a vessel to Tanjung Pelepas to load idled North Europe containers on September 9.
•Oceania cargo, Africa cargo on FEW and SAF2 services and Asian ports as final destination cargo will be loaded out of Tanjung Pelepas directly.
•Trans-Pacific, remaining Africa and South Asia cargo will be shuttled to Singapore to connect with respective services calling Singapore.
•Some of South Asia cargo are planned to connect with the next earliest possible connections in Tanjung Pelepas.
Maersk Line will resume transhipments in Tanjung Pelepas with below intended dates and services:
•Non-East-West network: First vessel is Maersk Sembawang 1610 of Chennai Express service calling Tanjung Pelepas on September 11.
•East-West network: First vessel is Eugene Maersk 635W of AE1 service calling Tanjung Pelepas on September 15.
•All services will resume proforma transshipment connections from September 15 and onwards.
•As part of the moving plan, there are containers expected to be shuttled back from Singapore to Tanjung Pelepas for loading on relevant main line vessels.
We would like to ensure that the disruption level are kept to minimum as we strive to keep your promise to your customers. You will be contacted separately by our local customer service colleagues with specific contingency planning details of your shipments.
Should you have further inquiries, please direct any questions to your local Maersk Line representatives.
We will continue to keep you updated of further development.