In the side of feminine man, is a middle-aged fatty, two eyes pitch-black shine, the none remaining sparkles.
These four people, are Saint Emperor sit down four in a big way **, is the Saint Clan Saint Emperor general's subordinates strongest strength.
Four big ** catches up to negotiate the scene, has not greeted, directly breaks through the enemy lines to enter, the goal of this grade of behavior is obvious, that is the in order to demonstration.
Small thousand world of assembly hall were ripped open, four people emerge out of thin air, fly high float sky over the board.
They impressively are cultivation of half True God are!
The flash presents four -and-a-half True God, moreover these four people at will stand, their faintly have formed a chart, around a chart whether there is the matrix mark is pasting, so the oppression strength, making Human Race Heavenly Elder complexion quite ugly.
The Transcending Divine Master facial color is dignified, suddenly presents these four people, making both sides the strength on the scene appear seriously was not balanced, even if now begins in Mount Putuo, Array of draw support from Mount Putuo, Transcending Divine Master did not have the assurance that the half minute won, even spelled finally, Human Race must lose seriously!
Must know that gathers in Human Race Heavenly Elder of Mount Putuo, is the Human Race most strength, appears facing Saint Clan in outwardly on influence, does not beat as before, let alone Saint Clan also possibly has hideaway True God in secret not to get rid!
Human Race with the Saint Clan disparity, was really too big.
Transcending Divine Master and Divine Dream Heavenly Elder have looked at each other one, saw each other eye color of dreading.
But side them, Great Unrestrained Buddha has also put down the buddha beads, grasps the monk's staff, the whole body energy revolves!
„Four Saints cause the Sir, may calculate that caught up, ha.” Zaohua/Good Fortune Holy Son to four people good a ritual, Saint Emperor has sat down four in a big way ** in Saint Clan has the extremely high status, moreover among these four people, but can also each other form the battlefield, the strength multiplies.
Four big ** the slight bow, has not spoken, Zaohua/Good Fortune Holy Son shows a faint smile, „now, we can chat the matter of Divine Luo Heaven co-prosperity body!”
The strength is on the conference table the biggest energy, the strength is insufficient, but also discussed? Now even if such as fire god such temperament irritable Heavenly Elder, is afraid has no consideration for face with Divine Realm , once hits, Human Race likely faces the total destruction!
If compromises, making Saint Clan enter Divine Realm , even though probably endure the aggression of Saint Clan, helplessly looks at the Saint Clan plunder resources, but is most minimum, Human Race foundation also, but can also develop.
Steeled oneself for revenge, endured in 1000, making Divine Dream achievement True God, Lin Ming, Xiao Moxian et al. grow, then Human Race also hopeful.
In history, there is Human Race Martial Artist once to withstand the shame of crotch, but afterward, actually achievement one generation of overlords, only then can endure the world unable to endure, can for the world unable for it matter.
„How do you want to discuss?” Transcending Divine Master has relented, these words, were equal to accepting the Zaohua/Good Fortune Holy Son condition.
The Divine Dream Heavenly Elder brow tip beat, had not opposed.
„Ha Ha, this is right.” In Zaohua/Good Fortune Holy Son heart one happy, in the face of the absolute strength, how Human Race to dare not to admit defeat.
When the time comes, so long as Saint Clan occupied Divine Realm , has established the foundation, can from the Divine Realm unceasing plunder resources, invest into to the Soul Clan war.
After having defeated Soul Clan, Saint Clan copes with Human Race again, that was similar to eats meal to drink water general is simple.
At the appointed time, Saint Clan becomes the universe true control!
Zaohua/Good Fortune Holy Son bit by bit closes own iron fan, said: „My Saint Clan wants to sign one never to encroach upon the treaty of equality with Human Race, the content is: First, the permanent surname cedes Radiance Light and attached world, small world and mystical place, belongs to my Saint Clan all, all Human Race Sect either leave Radiance Light, either keeps Radiance Light, but needs to obey my Saint Clan the order of unconditionally.”
„Second, Divine Realm 3000 big, many thousand world and small world, my Saint Clan influence can move into willfully, with Human Race influence exchange inheritance, common development resources.”
„Third, a Human Race surname pays damages Saint Clan ten ten thousand Nine Suns Jade, or equal material and Spirit Treasure!”
The Zaohua/Good Fortune Holy Son lion opens the big mouth, ejects so the condition of exaggeration, after Transcending Divine Master listened,