We will return to the instrumental approach and some of its problems below, but we turn now to the ethical approach. The main characteristic of the ethical approach is the focus on ethical aspects rather than the possibilities for profiting from CSR. Supporters of this approach believe that companies should engage in CSR at least also because it is the morally right thing to do. In general supporters of this approach accept that CSR might not always be the most profitable avenue. In a conflict between the company’s narrow economic interest and moral considerations,the moral considerations at least on some issues take precedence over the company’s interests. However, it is a misunderstanding of the ethical approach to say that “true” or “moral” CSR necessarily is bad for profits: profit is not in itself morally wrong. Hence, taking an ethical approach to CSR entails that companies accept potential loss of profit, and that (eventual) loss of profit is accepted for moral reasons; because sometimes ethical demands such as a concern for the interests of other parties override the demand for profit.