„Definitely has the reason, you discover not to have, Big Elder and money Senior Brother has not come back, only then a sect master person comes back, this explained that fell the duel of Xiashan not to finish, can make sect master give up the duel so big matter returning, definitely left the important matter.”
Nobody not startled, the Invincible Sect disciples are startled, does not know that had any important matter.
„Has the human to see Invincible Sect when the blood and sweat BMW leaves?”
Nie Wudi flies high float in the Invincible Sect sky, his voice shakes, resounds through in each ear of disciple and elder, some strengths are small and weak, directly shaken buzz the cry makes noise.
At this time, the elders of several Battle King ranks flew the Nie Wudi side, these elders, cultivation to lowly was 8-Tier Battle King, several are 9-Tier Battle King, the status in Invincible Sect could be imagined, even if were they have treated such a long time in Invincible Sect, has never seen a sect master round of such big anger.
„sect master, I and others had not seen the blood and sweat BMW to leave, is the accident sentiment of?”
And an elder of 9-Tier Battle King rank opens the mouth to say.
„Snort! The blood and sweat BMW was killed in a Katayamadani, this matter definitely has the reason, certainly some people intentionally for it.”
Nie Wudi cold snort, as for the Invincible Sect people does not know Invincible Sect when the blood and sweat BMW leaves, he is not accidental, if the blood and sweat BMW does not want these to discover, these people have not discovered.
„What? The blood and sweat BMW died.”
Several elders simultaneously call out in alarm one, on the face cannot believe completely, this, if did not say from the Nie Wudi mouth personally, will kill them not to believe that but this saying said from the Nie Wudi mouth, the percentage hundred were real, the blood and sweat BMW died, Nie Wudi so was no wonder angry, was the Invincible Sect person, all people knew the blood and sweat BMW regarding the Nie Wudi importance.
„, Blood and sweat BMW will not be given to kill unexpectedly, sect master so is no wonder angry, falls Xiashan not to attend, returns personally.”
„This is who does, was too rather bold, dares to hit including the idea of blood and sweat BMW.”
„What makes me compare the doubts is, the Battle Emperor masters in four big schools all went to fall Xiashan, the entire Liangzhou also who was the match of blood and sweat BMW, was Liang State also hiding other Battle Emperor masters? Mentioned from other Great Province Battle Emperor, but our Invincible Sect seemingly has not had the enmity with other Great Province influences.”
Invincible Sect has shocked, the blood and sweat BMW died, this has raised a big storm in Invincible Sect without doubt, is not right, this matter raises the big storm in entire Liang State sufficiently, the Nie Wudi anger, absolutely not only in ancestor gate internal combustion, to discover to kill the killer of blood and sweat BMW, soon , the Nie Wudi anger, must burn in entire Liang State.