Results (
Indonesian) 1:
ccording to World Health Organization, low birth weight(LBW) is defined as weight at birth less than 2500g (UNICEFand WHO, 2004). The two major causes of LBW areprematurity (born before 37 weeks of gestation) andintrauterine growth retardation (a condition in which fetalgrowth has been constrained) (Kelley and Pojda, 2000; Nohret al., 2008).Each year, over 20 million infants are born with LBWworldwide, resulting in a LBW rate of 15.5% (UNICEF andWHO, 2004).The risk of neonatal death for infants who have LBW,weighing 2000–2499g at birth is estimated to be four timeshigher than infants weighing 2500–2999g, and ten timeshigher than for infants weighing 3000–3499g (Ashworth,1998).
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