I hope this email finds you doing well.
In order to establish refined estimated deferred tax balances we need to complete tax basis balance sheets (“TBBS”) every year. Last year we had training covering TBBS completion and the importance of establishing deferred tax balances when implementing the GAM.
Attached is your 2015 Tax Basis Balance Sheet (TBBS) form in Excel. There are instructions included within the form on Tab 1. Your 2015 local currency Oracle trial balance has been populated for you on Tab D. Please complete Columns E, G and J on Tab C. We will adjust the 12/31/15 deferred tax asset/liability balances in GAM based on the information you provide on Tab C.
If necessary, please contact your local tax preparer to assist you in completing this form.
Please return the completed form by Tuesday, June 21st. It is important that we receive the file back by this date so that we can complete our calculations by the deadline given to us by the KPMG auditors.
Please let us know if you have any questions.